
A friend of mine has a Austin-Healy 1961 bugeye sprite. He opened the hood and I saw the word "lucas" on everything. I proceeded to cry in the corner for 20 minutes.

Is that the same hilux they took to the pole?

@Spotz: When we went to Canada on spring break, we were in quebec so all the street names were french. It was the moment at the end of the 10 hour drive north when the satnav started to shout at us to turn onto "chemin de courchevel" but in a completely americanized pronunciation. We laughed for a solid 15 minutes.

I was never very much for or against it looks-wise. My least favorite thing about it was the stupid all in one, oval shaped radio console that was also the HVAC controls. this would make replacing the shitty stock setup impossible without someone making an adapter plate, which I don't believe anyone ever did.

@silence808: My sister's old car, a '98 taurus SE with the 24v DOHC engine had the spoiler from the factory, and it looked much better.

@Alfisted: oh god the music is great.

@ormstungu: *the federal highway authority has not authorized Canyonero for city or highway driving.

@Matt2k: Returned, for having a Series III.

My '97 p38a Range Rover is a bottle of cheap wine. It has aspirations of being pretentious, but will generally leave you with a headache in the morning.

There's a car that parks in the deck at my school (NJIT... we're full of techie people here) who's license plate says HTTP404. I wish I was kidding.

@MastrCake: Satnav is for wimps. Navigate by the stars.

I'm going to be looking at a new car to replace the Rover (shhhh.... don't tell it) probably later in the summer, and really like the looks of the new Fiesta. Hearing about the sub-25k V6 performance package has just thrown the proverbial monkey wrench in the works. I'm going to have to test drive them both now.

@Mr_Mulallys_Killbot_no: Nothing says you're a man like a ThunderCougarFalconBird.

@Eric Phillips: What part of the parkway are you driving? The turnpike goes this fast no question but the lanes are just way too narrow and there are too many exits and bends on the parkway for "85-90" to be the norm. I would say its closer to 70-75 with 80-85 being on the high end.

My favorite ever, on a wood chipper, inside the chute:

@cobrajoe: But wont... will wind up with an x5 or *gulp* x6...

@vavon205: My uncle owns a landscape contracting company and all of his smaller trucks are f350's... you honestly need the towing capacity when you're moving equipment (read: backhoes, loaders, excavators) between jobsites. The nice thing that these do is allow you to tow smaller equipment without needing to take out