Nigella Lawson is not down with the clean eating trend. The British chef and author, famous for such decadent…
Nigella Lawson is not down with the clean eating trend. The British chef and author, famous for such decadent…
Kate Winslet is insufferable and Titanic was a shitty movie and so was Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.
I’m a hunter, and I know I always feel the proudest when I use bait to lure an animal that I have no intention of eating and that has become acclimated to being in the presence of people (which removes any sport in it) nominally outside a protected area for the sole purpose of counteracting the shame of my shockingly…
I am the worst thing. I was invited to a wedding in hawaii and i brought my roommate on as a date, but in hawaii we fell in love like some sort of temporary spell. The plane back we fucked slowly under a blanket. We got back and it was just as normal.
My boob.
Okay so I want to be all feminist enraged...but Komen is shit...
When my current fiancé and I got engaged, my ex was happy for us. My ex and I have a son so I see him every couple of days or so. He genuinely likes my fiancé and appreciates all he does for our son.
1 bowel movement a day, like clockwork. TYVM.
"This is not just an India problem; this is a problem that inflicts almost every country in the world," Pinto said. "There's not a single country in 2015 that is free of sexual violence against women."
Good for Scelfo.
Tens of thousands of Boston-area men offering her cunnilingus right now.
I realized you did, but the coffee had not kicked in yet, so all I had was the memories of being in PR, stuck, because the dumbass governor thought that a tropical storm warning was not enough to do any emergency preparation.
Yeah, apparently changes are made all the time. And I'm just reading the Wikipedia page right now, and it says:
my grandparents have been married for 50 years but my memaw almost left my papaw in the late 60s because she found out he was gambling all of his money away. she got a job and started saving up to leave; he realized what she was doing and begged her to stay and quit her job, and said that he would quit gambling. she…
In July, New York police officer Daniel Pantaleo choked unarmed black man Eric Garner to death, in broad daylight,…
Serious question tho: what is your favorite side/drink/dessert/whatever to bring over to a party?
No, you can only like one Deschanel and I picked Emily. I do not watch New Girl.
The problem with most conspiracy theories about how the media works is that they assume power exerts itself overtly.…