
Absolutely - you shouldn't rape people. That goes without saying, one would hope. Unfortunately there will always be bad people in the world who will smash in your car window to snatch your unattended backpack, mug you for walking down the wrong street or whup the shit out of you for wearing the wrong team's colors -

Yes some of the Gawker comments were especially tired—"ooooooh I don't want to piss off the Jezebel bitches but, girls should just learn to not drink until they are unconscious amirite?"

About as unjust as Blake's 7 losing to Galactica. What a travesty (no pun intended)

While he's not a "throw the Enterprise across the galaxy with a snap of the fingers" level of omnipotence, I would throw The Doctor in here. While he's at least 85% good and 100% means well, there's a distinctly arrogant Douche streak about him, be it braining a caveman, talking down to the Brigadier, choking his

Aaaaaand. . . . we’re done here. If you've reached the point where you offer your current game’s precursor to customers for free because you fucked up the current one so badly - that's pretty much just throwing one’s hands in the air.

Two more episodes, which means 1) The Walking Dead finale is on my birthday, and more importantly 2) it’s airing the same time as the Game of Thrones season 3 premiere.

Andrea is not very Genre Savvy - not once, but TWICE she did the whole "I'm safe, I'm going to lean against this object so something can grab me from behind" thing. I was all like "Seriously, someone who's been pretty on their survival game for years now - doing something stupid like that? Really?"

Man, the Kobayashi Maru would have been easy to beat. The distress call comes in, go to red alert immediately, shields full up. Warp in maximum speed, begin teleportation sequences. Begin broadcasting "we're on a rescue mission"across the spectrum as loudly and clearly as you can. As soon as The Enemy shows up, one

Never heard it, but it's going into my rotation STAT!

there was something kind of detached about it. Pure, hatred, rage, whatever

That last video, with the grindhouse cop music and the Kung Fu Fighters who stand around and patiently wait their turn were AWESOME!

How in the hell do you market the Lone Ranger without the damn theme?!? Seriously, what the fuck?

Wait - no spin offs? But what about Torchwood?

Wait - no love for Robotech? Okay, yes the changes to the storyline were pretty onerous and the dub was flat in places - but it is an undeniable influence on the American anime scene. Without Speed Racer, Star Blazers and Robotech infecting the kids of the 60's, 70's and 80's, I doubt the hobby would have been as big

Considering that I would rather eat a pile of steaming shit than a Burger King 'burger', yes, this statement is completely factual.

New look, same shitty comment section.

I'll keep this short since almost everyone who cares is busy building cities and making friends in SimCity.

"With the way that piracy works, we lose a significant amount of the money to our servers so that the sharholders enjoy fat profits," she said. "It wouldn't be possible to make the game offline without a significant amount of profit loss for our board."

The ones I really feel bad for? The Maxis dev team. No doubt that they just sweated blood and tears over this game for the last year or two, with 80 hour work weeks the last 2 or 3 months - only to have their hard work all shot down in flame by some EA bullshit.