
Goddamnit - someone is cutting onions in the cube next door!

Eh, 15 bucks for a game? Hell, I drop more than that on my Friday Night Pizza - sure, I'm in.

In a perfect world* - something that EA seems to be unable to do - they'd have the infrastructure in place, ready to go. They roll out (say) 8 servers, go "Oh, we clearly need more", flip and switch and roll out two more. When that's not enough, flip another switch on a power strip and roll out a third.

Which is worse, underestimating their server needs or overestimating them? They launched with 80 billion servers for The Old Republic - and the game turned into a ghost town two months after launch, basically killing the game stone cold dead.

I don't even have my copy yet (should be in today's mail), so I'm Sim-Frustrated for all different reasons - but I understand not wanting to have too many servers at launch. Too many servers was what pretty much destroyed The Old Republic. Once audience participation dropped off, 80% of the servers were ghost towns

No, you do NOT want to see me in a kilt. I'd be like Mr Stay Puft's pale brother.

Holy fuck - people, do not take this as a "Challenge accepted!" That is some nasty, nasty shit!

Coordinate with Your Region-Mates

A person is free to think whatever hateful, bigoted things they wish. The second that person puts those thoughts into action, attempting to deny someone else their basic human rights - then they are wrong.

I've always wondered why Skynet would mess around with small potatoes like John Conner anyway. They have a fucking Time Machine - send a T-1000 to the year 3 BC and take over the Roman Empire. Wipe out the human race before they move beyond the Long Pointy Sticks as Weapons phase.

Without a doubt, Lennie James was the best thing of the episode and was hands down the best thing in Jericho. The man needs to be a bigger star than he is.

From what I gather, it needs a connection at all times. That said, go hit the Pirate Bay for the day one no-internet patch that someone will cook up. Boom - problem sorted!

200 hours? Bah! Noob!

Yeah, turn the audio feed down on the main computer (AKA turn off the speakers), play Civ on the laptop, put an analog clock under the main computer's mouse so it thinks there's movement - Boom! golden!

Yeah, but unlike the terminator - where continuity is actually kind of important - Evil Dead is "Crazy shit involving demons and zombies and shit happening to Ash."

I was kind of "meh" to the idea, then I got a chance to 3D print some custom board game components. After that, I was instantly convinced: that technology is going to set toys and games on it's ear. Need an X-Wing for your meeple? Want the Tardis in Carcassonne? Easy peasy!

Oh no! Is Florida Man alright?

I have no idea what a Vine is, so I'm assuming that just any stop motion will do? Time to get my Ray Harryhausen on! Skeleton Swordfight, baby!

Wait - is it 2012 again?

I thought that the Ang Lee movie was an awesome emulation of a comic book, bested only by Speed Racer. I wouldn't say it was fantastic, but it wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be.