

It’s much like powering through the 1/6 reports. I keep seeing rotten mango everywhere I turn.

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Your lack of Star Blazers/Yamato fills me with deep shame and loathing. I usualy shun remakes, but this one is actually REALLY goddamned brilliant! It takes the rock solid (if slightly dated) original and puts a spin on it with modern sensibilities.

Prepare to receive your savage beating for going with the Live Action remake over the original. At least you could have gone with the Weird Al cover. . . .

I have nothing to say here. I just wanted to annotate John Barrowman's crotch.

Man, the Vore fetish crowd is going to LOVE this fad!

No, that's not the Millennium Falcon - that's just a generic YT-1300. Since the ship is wildly configurable and modifiable by it's owner, obviously this captain decided to swap the cockpit. There - sorted!

Lemmings? Oh no! *pop*

I thought that Death Star would be the same thing, more or less. Big deal - space station sits there for 20 years, blows up two planets and gets popped at Yavin. But it was actually more interesting than I thought.

Wait - Infocom? As in Zork, Planetfall, and The Leather Goddess of Phobos? THAT Infocom?

You mis-spelled Lupin III, there. Just thought you might want to know.

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Only one Batman movie can surpass Nolan's work. . . . and they made it in 1966:

So. . . . bathroom?

You said a mouthfull!

I would watch the fuck out of any movie - Jurassic Park or not - that included this exchange!

French for "I'll catch this bird for you, but it ain't gonna be easy. Bad fish. Not like going down the pond chasin' bluegills and tommycods. This shark, swallow you whole. Little shakin', little tenderizin', an' down you go. And we gotta do it quick, that'll bring back your tourists, put all your businesses on a

Shouldn't it be a three-way battle for the bottom of the barrel with Sim Shitty? Aliens and Walking Dead really have to bring their bad A Game to beat that steaming pile of broken Beta.

Idiot! The internet is a pornography delivery system!

Some of us like playing old games from time to time. . . .

After being fucked by the Sim City launch, there is no way in hell that I would ever consider buying an Always Connected console. If that's true, I wouldn't fuck the X-Box 720 with Hitler's dick.