
Wait - the North Korea propaganda machine uses Flickr? How odd!

Jezeus that looks good. I only hope it's as well done as Yamato 2199 is shaping up to be.

I'm going to run counter to most gamer wisdom, but I really liked Masters of Teras Kasi. Okay, it was a shitty fighter game and made no sense in-universe, but wacking a bitch with a lightsaber was fun as hell.

One game I was chasing down Luke - and out of frustration, I brought in the death star only to have him escape before I Alderaaned the planet. I proceeded to chase Young Skywalker around the galaxy, nuking planets out from under him until I eventually decided to implemnt my Scorched Earth policy on the remainder of

And my dreams of Lucasarts rebooting X-Wing finally die forever. . .

No 2001? That movie is amazingly gorgeous and technically well done - but the script is relentlessly, painfully boring.

Great. Now fix the fucking traffic problems.

Good point. Ah, wait. I have it! Wrap it in masking tape. Easy to clean up, no sticky residue, perfect for obscuring lines. Problem sorted easy peasy.

On the other hand, a good can of spray paint will take care of any photoshop issues!

Actually, I really like the Wii-U's Gamepad. It was a bit weird at first to keep looking down for maps and inventory - but now it's second nature and really helps speed things along.

My roommate got one for my X-box. I don't think I've turned the damn thing on yet (the Kinect, not the X-box)

No love for Roger Delgado? That man rocked the goatee!

Yeah, there was totally that other aspect of the decision. He had clearly not surrendered yet. I agree - hard? Yes, but totally the right call.

While Carl killing the kid was obviously the wrong moral choice, tacitly it was probably the strongest option available. Consider the alternatives:

Take the kid prisoner -
Having the enemy (even unarmed) in your midst when you are outnumbered and outgunned, surrounded and could be over run at any second is a bad idea.

The thing that I have for movie criticism is not if it's a good movie or not - but is it entertaining. Plan 9 From Outer Space is not a good movie by any stretch of the imagination, but I love the hell out of it because it's entertaining.

Okay, that's pretty close to what happened in the comic - well, more or less. I have no issues with this.

In regards to the Zartan/Storm Shadow backstory - is it the one where they're both taught by the same Kung Fu master? (or something like that - I don't remember the specifics)

I'm glad to be of service!

They'd be lucky to get a bomb to Japan with a running start and a good tailwind. Okay, South Korea might be in trouble, but only if Best Korea puts their bomb in a truck and drives it to the boarder of the DMZ.

Crazy guy with a nuke . . . and no real way to deploy said nuke.