“millilitre”. Would also accept “milliliter” if you felt the need to Americanize a word from a system you don’t actually use anyway...
“millilitre”. Would also accept “milliliter” if you felt the need to Americanize a word from a system you don’t actually use anyway...
If a man wants to hurt me, he’s not going to check my hemline or what time of day it is or if I'm with friends. He’ll plan out whatever he wants to do and then do it.
Seriously WTF. As I recall the cotton gin story, that invention promoted the continuation of slavery for generations. Before the mechanical cotton gin, cleaning the seeds out of the cotton boll took forever and even with slavery labor costs cotton was not a big economic crop. After the cotton gin was available, cotton…
Sigh. It’s happening AGAIN. I gotta correct the author’s statement in the first paragraph that states:
I’m in a super blue area with high vaccination rates, I’m gonna assume people will see my J&J ho stroll and think vaccinated not republican lol
I’m referencing the plot of Mysteries of Udolpho, in which a fake Italian nobleman holds a woman hostage so she’ll sign over her Toulouse estate. See, this is exactly why my Gothic Studies in Travel Safety curriculum should be widely adopted.
Gotta love living in a country where oversight of the food supply chain is so minimal (due to the gullibility of people who think that a lack of regulation on companies who only care about squeezing out every last cent of profit is good for the consumer) that the source of this outbreak is so vague that all the CDC…
Your take is decidedly different, and much more correct, than Osberg’s post just a few minutes ago.
You know, I’m descended from 7 Mayflower passengers (as I love to point out to these fuggin America Firsters), Revolutionary War soldiers and slaves and it kills me when people get all “this person isn’t a citizen because...”
Congress is at a stalemate over how best to relieve the financial burden of their constituents.
What on earth makes you think a “good” hair stylist would ever perpetrate such a thing? Hair like that is rather uncommon in these parts.
In your hands, the word is a battleaxe, a sword, a scalpel.
Did you write that headline? Cause “The storm that never passes” is fucking brilliant.
I want to say the same. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and every writer at The Root and what y’all do each and every day.
[Actually off-topic, but I need to tell someone about this.] Last night I dreamed I was walking down a sidewalk in New York City with Donald Trump. (Disclosure: I have never taken hydroxychloroquine, and I haven’t been to NYC in years. I’m not even American.) He kept asking me a question that I thought was something…
Paper towels down the toilet bowl is a bona fide recipe for disaster. I thought about this the other day and it occurred to me that maybe if it comes down to paper towel etc I need a diaper genie for disposal of things that CANNOT go down the toilet.
“I do a lot of sitting for my job. At least 4-6 hours of my day are spent sitting at my desk,”
This is a very weird comment! If you prefer Warren, why didn’t you vote for Warren? Did you consider that maybe your conversations with like 7 people might not have been a terribly representative poll, and that if you like Warren for reasons, maybe other people might like Warren for reasons also? It is quite a…