
Honestly, I don’t understand why nobody has called a doctor. He’s clearly had a stroke, and is scowling to obscure his facial asymmetry. That is a broken man. Trump has had a stroke, and a bad one.

Oh dear. I remember my mother sitting bedside, ruminating aloud “there’s really no REASON for you to have cramps, I never called it the curse, there’s absolutely no reason for you to have cramps.” On and on as they somehow got progressively worse, and never an aspirin in sight. She remains an interesting woman and I

Rochester NEW YORK.

I am so very pleased when it says “splendid” in those dancing letters, to the point that I am disappointed when I get the word too soon.

Oh dear, mothers. Mine does this - it’s a strange combination of independence, passive aggression couched as “not wanting to be a bother” and genuinely not thinking you need to know. In some ways, she’s right - If there is already somebody there to pick up the pieces, you’re not needed (and old ladies’ worlds start to

They don’t actually disappear, you will find them on your chin.

Oh, how well I remember Debbie Boone and “You Blighted My Life”

Take a look at how it is described: “Tannerite (R) brand targets were specifically designed to be safe and non-flammable, whether its sitting on a shelf, being mixed or used. When shot, it produces a water vapor and a thunderous boom resembling an explosion.” Anyhow, I can see how one might mistakenly set a fire

I am of the opinion that they teach that “stand with knuckles facing forward” at “modeling” schools that are advertised in the back of magazines. It rounds the shoulders and looks very odd, but you certainly see it a lot out in the wild on dressy occasions. I can’t believe it’s a natural posture, she has adopted it

Aaw. Missing family? Let’s all hope that next year we’ll be looking back with a peculiar sense of longing for a bit of peace and quiet. Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for giving me a laugh.

So, Gita is a $3200 shopping cart, 40 pounds capacity. Golly, life out on that other coast is awfully fancy. Do they not have those nice folding carts used by people everywhere in these parts? How do they get Gita up the stairs? Don’t people get jeered at out there? It is little notes like these that confirm me in my

Fourth-grade boys –  “Well, you said not to pinch people, you didn’t say anything about PUNCH.” They laugh and laugh, after all, it’s not THEIR nose that’s bleeding. It is really too bad that this absolute absence of good will has somehow become acceptable, and even to be expected, in grown men.

I’d point out that this sort of sensitivity training generally isn’t really for the reduction of bad behavior, but for the reduction of risk to the organization that’s hosting the training. Because when employees behave badly, it’s the organization that hired them that gets sued and has to make the payouts. Of course,

A world without editors is a VERY SAD PLACE. Aside from the fact that 23% is considerably more than one in ten, which I certainly wish had been obvious before you hit post, the original Vice article actually reads “One in 10 young Americans believes that the Holocaust never happened, while almost a quarter — 23% —

According to Michael Cohen, Tresemme is the hairspray of choice for that president, too. Talk about ways to kill a brand!

What on earth makes you think a “good” hair stylist would ever perpetrate such a thing? Hair like that is rather uncommon in these parts.

In your hands, the word is a battleaxe, a sword, a scalpel.

ROCKS? I’ve lived in that town just about my entire life and I DEFY you to find a rock when you need one. Rocks. Me, next time I’m out, I’m bringing my home office recycling , and I am going to use it to carefully craft crumpled up paper balls and I am REALLY going to let them have it. Or do I have to fold it into

They could save a lot of money reprinting stationery and stuff by quietly putting a statue of Reggie in its place.

Since when does driving cross-country count as quarantine? I suppose it’s possible that they have a campaign bus with chemical toilet somewhere, but I’m betting this pair will be “just scootching past” people in restaurants and rest areas all over the United States, when a quarantine ought to mean that you stay put