
I went to a school where they eliminated the comma between God and indivisible, as they were apparently more concerned about the trinity than about this flag stuff.

Back in the day, before there was all that spandex, a particularly crass cook was heard to say of the tight jeans of one of the waitrons, who was definitely sporting what we referred to as a “v-necked crotch,” “I don’t want to see a V, I want to see a W!” I believe this was circa 1980, Calvins, you know.

There was a (since deleted) report that the virus may have a deleterious effect on male fertility.

I am struck by the resemblance to that professor in the restaurant where Rose. Castorini eats while Cosmo is out tom-catting around at the opera with the other woman. She asks “Why do men chase women?” and he posits “Nerves?” We’re too old for you, Bill.

Handily, the Metropolitan Opera provides a foot flush so you don’t have to bend over and risk your pearls! Everything’s the best in this town, especially since certain people have declared themselves (as if we didn’t already know) a Floridian.

After fifty years or better of traipsing about blithely on my own, I find myself wondering if I need to bring a gun if I’m leaving the state. Suddenly “...then only nutcases will have guns” starts making sense. It’s insidious.

[deleted dupe, tried to delete above as well because I clearly haven’t been paying attention to any part of his campaign except where he’s scuffling with Trump, which is still pretty funny.]

Yes, there is breakfast potluck, and the very BEST of it is the breakfast casserole, which is sort of a bacon-egg-cheese-sausage-ham etc. bread pudding. It comes in many forms and is invariably delicious; it makes meeting humans at 6:00 am bearable. Like breakfast instead of brunch, I believe that it is entirely the

He also seems to have his safety-off gun snagged in the neck of his T-shirt. People must be falling all over themselves to hang out with him.

What’s with all those soldiers displaying the flag backwards (stars on the right) with such glee at 0:51? Distress signal? Surely whatever cut-rate video artists they’re going to forget to pay could have reversed the film...

Aw, Johnny. RIP Danny Aiello.

I don’t care if I burn in Hell. I don’t care if YOU burn in Hell. This movie is a monument to the everlasting madness of love, in the very best way.

EVERYTHING is temporary!

Amanda Kondrat’yev was sentenced to 15 days in jail for milkshaking that guy with the large head from Florida. I wonder what this guy will get for actually hitting someone.

I read that as him giving her some McLeod tartan scarf or something - her grandmother was a McLeod. I occasionally sport a plaid that is associated with a name that hasn’t been seen anywhere but the middle since my great-great-great grandmother married it away, yet happily consider it “mine.” Mind you, it’s

Oh, that happened to me back in the 70s! It was going to be my first big dinner, all by myself, and I didn’t have a CLUE that ovens weren’t all one size, and that my first apartment’s stove was not the same as the one that I hadn’t paid much attention to during my woefully middle class childhood. And yes, I knew how

There’s a Go Fund Me link on the “press charges” link above, I just used it. This is ridiculous and he is a big vindictive baby.

Wait, how on earth does he track periods? While he extracted some sort of information from PP or insurance records, which conceivably (ha ha) have the date of the LAST period, who on earth is checking in regularly (also ha ha) with their NEXT one? I ask this in all seriousness, he might THINK he’s tracking periods,

Back in the day, you got somebody else to write the papers for you. You could just reuse one that somebody had written the year before for another school, and as long as it wasn’t something that had appeared in a journal the professor had read, you were mostly golden. HE even had access to people who could retype

Really, the only things you should ever advertise on your personal belt buckle are Budweiser and Ford tractors, and you ought to be very young, slim and based in a big city to try it. There was a time that I tucked sweaters into my tiny jeans and could use my slim waist and flat abdomen as a sort of billboard, just in