
I am compelled to say ALT+0146. I will seek treatment.

Can I view this as Skittles Corporation of America taking a stand on immigration? I always felt that they were badly used. I will move them up to the top of my candy list because I admire their panache.

Oh yes - the generosity of my donations to handgun control was notable when I was with my last true love. That’s done with now, but I always keep a good shovel nearby just in case.

I am mystified that he’d rather have his chin, throat wattle and lapels drape over that seat than bother to put it down. You could see him attempting to find another angle and failing, then going ahead anyhow to make a point. Talk about biting off your nose to spite your face.

Was it Henry?

Er, aren’t Sharpies full of XYLENE? Call me middle class, but in addition to the social implications, is that not actually poisoning the child?

Well, heaven forbid that somebody look at the Trump administration’s Federal hiring freezes and belt tightening and their effect on Donald Trump’s Federal Bureau of Prisons. You know, in the Federal facility run by Trump and his fine advisors, where they were keeping him? Give it to a businessman to run, he knows all

Just imagine being the hapless hack who had to listen to months upon months of his vomitous ramblings and comb through them for enough solid waste to order into a book. I only hope it was recordings and the poor thing didn’t have to run around actually listening in person. “My secretary typed it up for me.”

I worked for a large Italian company in the 1980s, and whenever anyone came to NY from HQ they would arrive with tickets for Cats and insist that I come with them because they had bought one specially just for me. And they would watch it, and at the end, turn to me and say “che???” They simply could not fathom it, and

“You blighted my life...” Debbie Boone understood me.

I have always gone to a very uneventful rural CT town in the summers, and in spite of being deep in the woods , by the abandoned cemetery, and there being a man down the road who kept a rusting car in his yard because his wife had been killed in it and he never talked to anyone again, and the farmer who would

D. Nasty rash.

They’ll have to use passport records, because people move from their place of birth. That will lead to a gross under-count of the hinterlands, which is just fine by me.

The poor woman looks dreadfully puffy, in a way that I associate with steroids or dialysis. My guess is that she’s severely ill. That said, augmented breasts tend to make things fit oddly, even when they’re made to measure (the things, not the boobs, or maybe both, who knows?)

It is my opinion that these soda machines out in public, for whatever reason (it costs that much for the labor to pour it?), are simply insanitary. (I know, but you have to have some faith in the people behind the counter.) At least this cured me of an unfortunate fast food habit - even I realized the ridiculousness

Now playing

All I can think of is that little Lily Allen song, which seems so appropriate for whistling and humming whenever I’m in proximity to ANY of them.

Close the city. No stores, no restaurants, no buses, no bathrooms, nobody to hear them. DC in August is a hellhole. Go to the beach and let them shout into a vacuum. I’d donate to help the unfortunate residents take a nice day out with their families while this nonsense is going on.

Wait, what, am I high? Is this actually real or are you messing with me?

No, LW. It must have been an epidemic. I still shudder at the thought, and I’m not nearly as antisocial as I sound.

Enforced potluck! I swear I worked for her, but at Barclays. Talk about demoralizing. I would always make the most dreadful thing I could think of if I couldn’t be otherwise engaged.