
However bleak things might seem sometimes, I can always take comfort in the fact that I am not a Trump.

I am so sad about this.  I don’t read romances but as a librarian I love and appreciate romance writers and readers.  She was always in print and could be relied upon for a fantastic story.  She will be most ardently missed.

I’m going to paste your mom right in the nose, if that’s okay.

I literally outlined in my comment what happens when financial advisers damage their clients.

It was a mistake born of igneous.

for this administration, you’d need to find footage of the other end of that majestic creature

Well, sadly, there are only two types of people in this world:

1) People who can’t extrapolate from incomplete data

They’re not likely to go anywhere. 344 results for LED candle shaped bulbs on Home Depot. 

cunts are have depth and use, and are warm. She possesses none of those qualities.

Non-New York Post links:

It’s a perfectly fair comparison. For the sake of argument, assume that there exists a right to life. The death penalty is predicated on the notion that there is a point after which one loses the right to life. If that’s true, then it’s reasonable to conclude that there is also a point before which one has not yet

Personally, I’m still for leaving the cheap, worthless statues. I seek no value in the statues themselves, but rather what they say about the people and places where they exist. Context goes a long way and replacing those statues’ preferred words of ostensible praise for ‘heroes’ with the more accurate descriptions of

That’s why I favor “contextualizing” any confederate monument that has some artistic merit. The cheap base metal mass produced statues that the UDC sprinkled everywhere in the 60s... those can come down. But some of the statues have value, either artistic or engineering. We aren’t going to dynamite Stone Mountain. But

‘Small Gubmint’ Republicans seem to not understand the consequences of under-funding everything. You wind up being dangerously understaffed, whether we’re talking the criminal justice system, the child welfare system or the air traffic controllers system.

I read the first two sentences 5 times thinking that it was the woman’s butthole that was flaring, and wondering how this story could be boring when a complete stranger was telling you to look at her butthole.  Then I read the next sentence and realized you meant your dog’s butthole.  Now I’m cracking up at work.

 "Porch" is no "cellar door" but it's not bad. 

Joule thief!

Americans don’t read. Having Video clips of him essentially reading for them might actually make a difference in public opinion 

Not the point. The nation has not read the report. There’s value in having him explain it on live TV

Mmmmm.... delicious cottony gin. I’ll have a tunic and tonic, bartender!