Ejia Kinja Lost

I think Toblerones are entirely too sweet. Not that I would ever turn one down, and I even like the honey-ish nougatty bits, but still.

Dear sweet lord yes. Seiken Densetsu 3! Live a Live! the other Romancing Saga games! I thought for sure releasing Romancing Saga 2 would mean they’re finally localizing more of their older titles.

Well, I suppose if Colossal Order wanted to release Cities in Motion 3 it’d make sense to do it within Cities: Skylines.

I had no idea Tony Stark was a Sontaran.

Have you ever been able to fuck a Krogan? Asking for a friend. Who didn’t play ME2 and 3.

Me. I am Mariah. Je suis Mimi.

Kewpie mayo is the only kind I buy anymore. It’s rich and eggy tangy and not at all sweet.

It’s very nice, I’m sure, but it’s just not home.

Why grandma, what wide layouts you have! All the better to see the pictures, I suppose.


Ugh, I know. It’s only February and already it’s that hot outside.

Well, except for the fact that there is already a separate move called Bounce, which itself is nearly identical to Fly.

That just looks like a taiyaki pan without a hinge.

I’ve come to the belated realization that Pokemon Go is less like an actual Pokemon game and more like a Safari Zone simulator.

A pity

A pity

Season passes, freemium microtransactions... I think I’d rather go back to the time Nintendo didn’t know what the internet was

While probably there’ll be actual Gamecube purple joycons sold later, it would’ve been nice if they had the actual shade down from the start.

...so everything ever made is not worth buying. Got it.

“Daddy of Light”? I think I’ve heard of a Death Note bara doujin by that name...

One would think that account-specific access to purchases would be a great thing to copy from PSN/XBLA, but instead Nintendo copied the monthly service fee.