Ejia Kinja Lost


Well at least it wasn’t Doom 30 Hs

I was hoping they would tick to their schedule:

Quit dragon us around bethesda

Here’s hoping for TES VI: Elsweyr, with the return of unarmed and unarmored as skills. That throwaway line of Arnbjorn’s about a Khajit monk of the Whispering Fang style has me a bit hopeful.

Well, that’s one way to get a leg up on the competition

I heard she started a band. I think it was called... The Misfats? Strange name for a band.

It better be Watch_Dogs 2: Blood Dragon.

Is Nightwing vogue-ing?

I had no idea this was relevant to my interests until now

Kukui may be the hot new bara idol du jour, but OG daddy Oak is still best daddy.

Much as I’d like to Praise The Sun, I’ll go for the giant vampire bat. Who is 4x weak to both Dark AND Ghost.

Yes. Also Pyroar.

The sugar-free Haribos have provide more entertainment though, at least through their Amazon reviews.

The sugar-free Haribos have provide more entertainment though, at least through their Amazon reviews.

What nefarious deeds are you planning with them?

What nefarious deeds are you planning with them?

Well, at least none of those are fringed turquoise bakinis.


There is an easy way around this: simply enter Papaya as the answer to every question.

Banished, which is a nice slow plodding city builder. Until all my townspeople start dropping like flies, presumably.

Well since the indie scene is now responsible for making Metroidvanias and Harvest Moon-alikes, maybe they can come up with a new Mario Paint.