
Oh god she’s running for president

This thread is worth reading.

1. yes, because i intend to do nothing but yell “NO C-SECTION FOR YOU” at women regardless of need, and to ignore all other aspects of improving patient autonomy and health outcomes. /s

The medical establishment has a history of being awful when it comes to women’s health (especially pregnancy) and health choices. Pointing it out is not treating “expertise” as “elitism”, it’s just an objective view of reality.

Let me help you out.

Okay I hate this guy. So much.

But as a person in stem cell research to help people with SCIs (spinal cord injuries that cause paralysis) I am itching to correct everyone. There are different types of stem cells collected from different parts of the body - not all are from umbilical cords, fetuses and embryos. The

Also, if it makes you feel any better, they’ve been married for 21 years. He’s 69, meaning that he didn’t marry the “love of his life” until he was 48.

I hate him just because his name looks like a word scramble that hasn’t been solved yet.

I have that one too!

Counterpoint: Period bloat.

I hear it really lets the ass breathe.

I just want to say that I have worn a number of dresses that look very similar to the ones pointed out in this article and Ellie sees me every day and now I understand her blank smiles

Man. I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised that the comments on this article are so different to the comments on last week’s Constance Wu/whitewashing article, but I am. Basically, it appears that “chill the fuck out” is the consensus here. The one movie of the year about a person with a serious disability — not

Remember when you could join a cult without being in peak physical condition?

I first saw this move in 1991 when I was 14. I loved it but I didn’t totally “get” it. I couldn’t yet identify with the anger. I loved the scene when they blow up the truck, but I didn’t “get” it. I remember blaming Thelma for what happened to her. Because I didn’t “get” it at 14.
I watched it again a few weeks ago

Need??? You silly.

Depression; paranoia; low self-esteem; insecurity; resentment; anger; fear; jealousy; envy; distrust; guilt; shame; isolation.

The entire obituary is worth reading in full: