
Oh also to make things weirder, some of the cast of Burning Love showed up.

That’s insane. This guy fired one shot in the dark that ricocheted and hit Gurley by accident. Did he act neglicent by pulling the trigger after hearing a sound in the dark on a stairwell? Absolutely. Did he kill a black man in cold blood execution style or slowly strangle him to death like so many other cops did.

As a pregnant woman, can I just say that I am so goddamn sick of seeing a new study every week telling me I’m doing something wrong? This is my first pregnancy and it is scary enough without some dude in a lab discovering that I may already be a terrible mother because I ate a fucking potato for dinner.

Stop I love everything about this show. I thought I was the only one who watched it. Mark creeped me out hard. Like it seemed like he legit went shopping for a do-over of his first wife, i.e. someone he could control better. Everything is about control with him. It freaked me out so hard.

Sigh. I get what the funny was supposed to be but on yet another shitty day I clicked hoping it would have been real.

There are definitely loads of women out there who don’t understand their sexuality very well, who are aging or stressed or otherwise experiencing changes to their sexual desire, who are terrified of losing their partner’s interest, or even just of the prospect of being less “sexy” because they aren’t in the mood. Even

I would do anything for meatloaf, but I won’t do that.

Your reply makes me sad, because clearly the author has gone through some legitimately tough stuff, and was dealing with some changes to her body that were significantly effecting her life. She should be able to decide for herself whether she is negatively effected enough to take on the risks of surgery and NOT BE

Yup. Like, why the fuck is ANYONE thinking about 16 yo vaginas? Is it because they’re more likely to be virgins, and therefore “tighter”, feeding into the whole gross tightness = virginity = good and looseness = slut/whore = bad? It’s just SO disgusting. And I won’t even get into how gross it is that a grown ass male

worst article ever. horrifying women for shock value, for ratings and who know what other ends.

I wanted to read this but I couldn’t make it past the poor woman being “re-hymenized” and the doctor’s believe that a teenage vagina is desirable, even thought here’s no real reason a vagina would change size from teenage years to adulthood unless you have a baby. Fucking ew to the nth degree.

Alex, I’ll take Creepy Things for $200.

Clearly the parents have no idea raise a Roof.

What in the everloving fuck is this? Where are the good dances? Those are not dances. These are dances. I will take way more of the voguing though. That can stay.

