
...but...Carly Rae Jepsen is from outside of Vancouver, Canada...so a dark, rainy city

This phrase is a gift I will make frequent use of, thank you.

LOL, total English Bulldog thing to say

yes, 100% get the right pet for your life. I’m 60% ‘Active Person’ and 40% ‘Lazy AF’ and the only way I can have my shiba is because I have a partner to compensate

So foxes really don’t seem like good domestic pets...

I follow a couple of domesticated foxes on Instagram and they’re SO CUTE but apparently they STINK. like literally, their owner says the stench is so real.

You’re totally right, my brain fuzzed over the sentence. I have no idea how Sandra Oh identifies (as Canadian or American), considering she’s spent a considerable part of her adult life living in the US— but there are significant differences between the Asian-Canadian and Asian-American experience, which surely has



how dare you not include a picture of Lennu, the president’s dog? <3 <3 <3

Yes, SO MANY accounts saying the same...they call Landmark ‘Scientology Light’

I think this too...

Thanks, the internet hadn’t come up with a GIF for this yet and I’m glad for that too :)

So I have TMJ and I LOVE CHIPS so this sounded really good at the headline.

Asians get conditional passes—all stereotypical asians ok, hipster asians ok—sexy female asians ok—Male Asians Never—science asians that stay in their lane ok—math asians that do our taxes ok—grocery store asians ok if their prices stay low—laundromat asians ok—ALL other Asians need to apply for special consideration

The #1 American export is racism against Black people. Immigrants come to the US believing what mass media says—that Black people are responsible for 99% of crime, and 100% responsible for all violent crimes. This information is taken seriously by vulnerable communities.

I mean...his name is Timber. Lake. And still no.

Banks/Ora 2020

Instead of “The Suitor” from S1 & S2, it’s called “The Suitress” which is gross. That is all.

Even the cat with the flimsy alibi!