
Wow you really seem to know your Garbo. Did she do her own decorating?

RUG LOVE obvs, but also she shares my love of copious (excessive) seating opportunities. You never know when eighty people come over and ALL WANT TO SIT DOWN!

Finger’s Bangs: He just knows it

I’m with you on the undocumented thing. Identification is such a precarious issue which leaves trans people, undocumented people, and people with various other immigration statuses, at certainly more risk.

This is pretty and it can be flipped over and fashioned into a very FASHUN antlery wine helmet

I didn’t know that, I have no idea who this person is, and am sorry I came off all flippant. But even so...I would understand if the affirmation is “I will have kids”... not “I want to have kids”

I’m firmly undecided...but my 20/20 foresight is telling that I won’t need a card to remind me what my true desire is after the fact.

I don’t understand how “I want to have kids” is an affirmation

well there you have it

Is you a cat?

what kinda parties do you go to?

It probably started all innocently, but then the turf wars began...

that’s how I feel when all I’ve had was salad

exactly. “It’s meat...just in a loaf...and then scabbed up...” YUM !??

not a good idea

smooth talker

Thank you. This is all very silly. Insert ‘ain’t nobody got time for that gif’. Can’t do it myself, am most Kinja un-savvy.

Ugh, ok. Thank you!

As always, it’s amazing that as long as humanity has been having babies, we don’t have better solutions for these fairly common complaints.