e holder

One crash caused by runway debris does not a terrible safety record make.

N = too small to matter here

The one and only Concorde crash was caused by debris left on the runway by another aircraft. It was not due to a fault in Concorde, it could have happened to any airplane.

One crashed because of FOD... so it wasn’t even the planes failure - failure to survive the event yes, but the plane was working just fine.

And what safety record would that be?

It had one fatal crash in 27 years of operation. I don’t know many commercial jets that can compete with that safety record.

Concord had an excellent safety record, only one of them ever crashed in 27 years of service. The problem was noise and that they too small to be economical as a commercial airliner.

Can’t wait for tomorrow’s update!

Though I bet,in California with all those red-light cameras,if you or I make a right on red that we aren’t supposed to,a ticket will unceremoniously find it’s way to your mailbox,regardless of who was driving.

Private aircraft.

Looks like we won’t be seeing those asshats back in America for a while.

I see you got my refreshments.

Actually, most of them signed it on July 2nd... also, the act of signing it, the soil no longer became British soil. Hence why England fought a war over it. Luckily we won, so they were right when they basically declared they weren’t part of Britain any longer.


sub headline to your headline: “Turns out hes right”

*For shit that some people who shouldn’t be allowed to drive pulled, not Toyota themselves.

As long as you don’t de-rack them they are not that hard. You think that is rough? Try rebuilding carbs on a V4.

Wouldn’t every living person be a GM recall survivor? Like I survived Cancer by not having cancer. Same with Aids.

The carb sync thing is way overrated as to difficulty (generally in fact, not just CBXs). Granted, I worked at a Honda dealer so we had any specialty tools that were needed, but I don’t recall much for CBXs except the little Honda “wrench with a screwdriver through the end” that you used on the adjusting screws. You

I had a first-gen (1980) and have always loved these. Not a great bike even by the standards of the day: wooden brakes, snatchy throttle and wobbly as hell...but the sound and feel of that engine made was just sublime.