It’’’s on a dyno, man. It’s on a dynamometer. There are straps holding the bike down.
It’’’s on a dyno, man. It’s on a dynamometer. There are straps holding the bike down.
With the money saved on bodywork the owner can afford to replace those plastic plugs with actual fog lights now.
Lol, no they aren’t. Arleigh Burkes aren’t even 10,000 tons in displacement. The Iowa is 4.5x that.
Yeah, but the SS is going to get all those miles on it, while the Maserati will remain pristine, since all that time on a flatbed and in the shop will keep it a “low mile exotic” forever.
Distributer? Hey Grandpa, how old is your car?
All these people are doing is raising taxes insurance premiums, and registration rates for the rest of us. If you are doing this, you’re not being self-righteous, you’re being a selfish jerk. This is the same as people who say “_____ should be free,” not realizing (or knowing full well) that what they’re saying is…
When Michael Jordan was part owner of the Wizards, he was constantly seen around DC driving an SLC Mercedes with Michigan license plates. Nothing ever happened to him. BTW, my insurance company does ask where my car is garaged but never asks what plates are on it.
She is following the sworn constitution of her state. As an elected official, she swore an oath to follow Kentucky law, and that’s what she’s doing. So, by your own quote, instead of sending her to prison for following the law she swore to uphold, change the state law to match the federal law (well, that’s tricky too,…
Yes. And that is what is so odd about insurance. Everyone is happy with theirs (seemingly) because most people have never had to file claims.
“I bought this 6-7 figure car because I’m rich, but I evaded taxes on it. I also don’t tip waiters.”
Whenever I meet someone with a very expensive car with Montana plates, I love asking them “wow, I can’t believe you drove your [Enzo, P1, etc] here all the way from Montana?” Most people respond with a laugh, but the last guy I did that too simple responded “I only register it in Montana to evade taxes.”
Isn’t all tax evasion also avoidance? (The difference being the “illegal” element)
Just mandate automatic transportation pods, already. We know it’s coming.
The solution to dumbasses with their noses buried in their smart phones? Take more responsibility and agency away from everyone.
oh narcissism you’re dangerous but you’re adorable in your stupidity
Is she Dolezaling us?
No idea. Stupid and impractical...