e holder

Barra looks like she’s packing some serious sweater meat!!

Wanna bet?

Are you kidding re: the miles?


1000cc isn’t really small displacement.

If only he had would it out a little. I don’t think that was much more than about 5k rpm. You should hear it at 8k+!!

A CBX is an icon - that’s just a yuppie touring pig.

How DARE You?!?!?!

Like the people in the Toyotas who would go for miles with the “accelerator stuck.” Wouldn’t hit the brakes (because they were pressing as hard as they could on the GAS), and wouldn’t turn it off. And, many of them were drunk, too.....

Steering wasn’t locked. They didn’t have power steering or brakes, but everything else worked, including, I believe, airbags.

They didn’t turn “off.” Tard.

Isn’t that a motorcycle, or are you just making joke?

true ‘dat!!

How DARE you?!?!?!?!

Yes - IIHS is not a regulatory agency - it’s insurance industry - funded.

Yes - unfortunately, IIHS, which is an insurance industry-funded group, not any kind of regulatory agency, has influenced design to this point. They have made a career of designing crash “tests” to scare clueless people into demanding a “high IIHS rating.”

Uh-oh....don’t tell those guys who jump from a C-17 every day.....

Why is the plate(s) obscured in the video? Who is the videographer trying to protect? I presume this is one of their buddies?

those traffic cameras aren’t legal, either.....

“bated,” unless they’ve been eating worms or small fish......