especially when you’re about six years old.....
Diplomatic immunity is a very special qualification given to a defined group of diplomatic personnel. I don’t think the Qatari royal family, or whoever these guys are, qualify.
....and it’s amazing that people still try to punish people with money by raising taxes on them. They will find a way out of it, but the regular shlubs won’t.....
Same with me - all my insurance company cares about is where it’s kept.
Is that you, leona...?
That’s also called “lying.” I thought you guys were all “heroes?!”
They don’t “forget” it - they just don’t care.....and no one holds them responsible.....
only the lower-case “i” is dotted, as well.....
“macht nichts?”
Except they have draconian restrictions on (legally owned) guns.....
I wonder if he ever moved it from RI (I believe)? He said he would, and pay the tax he thinks is so “good” for all the rest of us to pay, but I don’t know if he ever did.
And, of course, the Constitution does not address marriage at all - that’s a state thing. But it’s not the first time something like this has happened.....
What - that Kentucky law says a marriage is between a man and a woman, or the fact that she is a democrat?
her attorneys CANNOT invalidate state licenses!! OMG!!
Of course - make excuses for the “inconvenient truth” that she’s a dem!! “....more convenient to run as a democrat!!” LOL!!
AND, they can vote in NY, NJ, CT (not legally, of course!!) as well - especially if they’re dems!!
In Virginia, anyway, you can get a pro-rated refund, if you want to bother.
Virginia has about 10,000 plate options - other states must have similar offerings.....
They are in business to make money. Their duty to their shareholders is to pay out no more than they have agreed to. Read your policy!!