
Came here to say without Charleston Chew, this test is incomplete.

And even in that best of all possible worlds, Oakland finishes the season 6-10.

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

Shel Silverstein is the greatest poet that ever lived. I will fight anyone that disagrees.

would retweet

oh my

Based on what he says, if any of that sweat is on his back he is gonna get deported.

Jesus, you guys are so overly sensitive. Silver is correct; the vast majority of Bernie supporters are diehard Bernie supporters. So what? Why does that make you so angry?

I hope he beats this 

Pitaro was hoisted by his own Le Batard.

Maple bacon donuts are so fucking good. I’m glad I’ve only had access to them like, 3 times in my life...

I've been praying that when Dick Cheney finally kicks the bucket it's on camera so I can re-use this caption.

Well, I just gained a new life goal.

I will join you my friend.

You are much more civilized than I. I think his future headstone would make a wonderful urinal.

I know how to dance tap, and that alone would take me to Kentucky!

Yeah, that’s about exactly how I felt about it. And it takes me more effort to notice it picked the right word, then press Tab, than to just write the fucking word myself.

Is it possible that firing a kicker because of a single miss (albeit an important one) is not a good strategy?  I know coaches will say we pay these guys to make the kicks but possibly, just possibly, you don’t improve  your team doing this?