
Thanks! I sort of rolled my eyes when the Ro started hitting the news. I’m a cell biologist (not in the infectious disease area though) and I know all to well what happens when a complicated and qualified descriptor goes out and hits the popular media.

This all makes a lot of sense to me if its an airborne virus but how do they calculate for fluid/sex transmission? Is the Ro for HIV done assuming sexual contact? You’ll pass it along to ~4 out of 10 sexual partners? Similar w/ Ebola, one of the main routes of propogation was the lack of sanitation and the specific

she might have gone for Slash but she totally ended up in 4-Non-Blondes

I felt like it was a low score because Larry was “too mean” perhaps?

thats a shame.  I had only played it on PC

genuinely miss this game.  I had NOLF2 I think and I loved it but it ran like shit on my machine at the time.  I wanted to go back to it later but it was no longer compatible or something.  :( 

I can’t explain this, but I have multiple cables around that are suitable to plug in my Galaxy S7. For some reason one cable wouldn’t “fast charge” but others would, even if plugged into the same adapter in the wall. Plug in cable 1: phone says 3hrs to charge to full. Remove, swap for cable 2, phone says 1.5hrs to

I like this podcast and was not at all expecting the turn it took. Honestly at the start I didn’t even put together the game-holiday connection. Holy cow did this confrontation make me as a listener really uncomfortable! In a good way. I’m glad you did it. You had some great points and much of it was stuff that I

IIts a perfect reflection of the FLOTUS.  Expensive, shiny, "fashionable" and utterly devoid of warmth and emotion.

This kind of thing is a feature, not a bug, of the Trump administration. Part of being a good con/grift/kleptocrat is promoting people well beyond their experience level. It provides two benefits:

Ah, yes.  Well, m hmm ah you see.  

That thing in the upper left is a skinned, fat covered, raw, birds head and you can’t tell me otherwise.

McConnel is the engine, Trump is just the NOS.  The accelerant.  The judges Trump is taking credit for?  He has no hand in this save for signing where he’s told.  There were 104 open federal bench seats because of Mitch, and they are being filled by Mitch.  McConnell is reshaping the judiciary, the Senate, and is more

It shouldn’t be possible for me to hold these two opinions simultaneously - I suppose I’m a massive hypocrite.

I’ll be happy when they’re gone too but the ratings and merch sales will go down when they are out.  They inspire strong feelings.  Take away the Pats and is there a team other than your own that you really give a shit about?  I’m a Niners fan, they’re...fine?  I guess?  My traditional rivals have all come down to

whatever dude, Johnny Unitas kept it high and tight and was swimming in pussy

This is some peak white assholery but the underlying problem (the one underlying the obvious underlying racism) is the sort of broader human urge to focus on the “appearance” of being good rather than the actual less tangible “being” of being good.

I’m with you.  I’ve never had the fruit ones (if I wanted that I’d just go full Froot loop),  but my top 2 are the multigrain and the honey nut.  I do love the honey nut but its VERY sweet.  Multigrain makes me feel like I’m being better.

Ben Folds and the Femmes are doing a show near me soon (or already did it?  I don’t know) and when I heard about it 1999 me was FUCKING STOKED but 2019 me was pretty indifferent and I do still like Ben Folds a lot.

I was really into Live - the singer was powerful, they had interesting stuff.  The bass player was great.  But then they came out with that dolphins cry song and I was out.  Couldn’t do it.