Eggs Woodhouse

The composition of this photo is offputting. Is it the dead smile? Is it the tacky grandma couch and pillow? Is it her beige skirt or the square shoulders of her blouse? Is it the staging, as if the couch was moved to the Lincoln Memorial for this photo? Is it that the Baby is supposed to be the focus here but instead

“vanka Trump, alabaster-skinned Trump heiress and senior White House advisor, does not believe she has any “obligation to moderate” the president, her father.”

We are all General Kelly.

I’m not sure if it’s because of my family’s history, but I don’t find the bouncer idea weird at all. There was a family wedding where one family member demanded (it wasn’t a request, it was an order she fully expected to be followed) that the groom should uninvite his own mother because she didn’t like her. That

I generally agree, but I find it rather strange that the letter never once mentions how his/her fiancée feels about this situation considering that this is her sister. We know the LW feels the sister is a user and a nightmare and would rather she not come at all if she insists on bringing her children with her, but

I rather like the idea of a bouncer, with strict instructions to keep out that horrible woman and her kids.

Nah, you don’t actually have to invite her, and the proof is right there in her ‘We’ll see about that’ response. You invite people to your wedding who are there to support you, on your day, as you embark upon the wonderful experience of having your relationship legally and religiously authorized and recognized. Her

Let’s not forget that the First Lady also stopped online bullying.

what makes you think he won’t?

I’ll never be over it. I was 18 during the ‘08 campaign, and I walked in the rain to my polling place off campus. I cheered and cried with my friends in the theater house when the results came in. He was the first president I ever got to vote for, and damn was it a good way to start—with a man who looked like me, and

Doesn’t the whole thing read like a “fuck you,” anyway? This being said:

He won’t write a letter; he’ll just tweet.

Obama has way too much class to do that, unfortunately. (Or fortunately.)

Considering he thinks everyone, from hurricane survivors to boy scouts, is coming out to rally for him, I think we can safely assume he thinks he is the sun around which Obama orbits. There are no traditions, only things he just thought up.

That is a really lovely way of saying “Don’t start the goddamn apocalypse, you fucking dummy.” Miss you, BO.

How great would it be if the first letter of each paragraph spelled out F-U-C-K-Y-O-U?

I don’t care about the Greek system but the members of that fraternity who were complicit in the kid’s death need to go to jail. It wasn’t an accident.

I don’t mean to be a stickler, but he didn’t witness the devastation, didn’t speak with any of the displaced residents or rescue staff. Aside from that, great Tweet! What he did was the equivalent of spending an hour layover in Heathrow and then gushing about your vacation in London.

I remember the good old days when two of the top 10 worst things about Trump were that he was a confirmed pussy-grabber whose ties were 4 inches too long and scotch-taped on the back.

Holy shit, it is. I thought you were joking, but it’s totally an acrostic. I guess that’s what happens when you get a bunch of arts majors to write a resignation letter.