Eggs Woodhouse

It’s sad when of the three Rhode Island natives, Pauly D is the least embarrassing/horrifying.

Seconding that Diclegis is amazing. I’m still taking it every night at 34 weeks - it’s the only thing that’s helped me function! (No HG but bad morning sickness the whole damn time). It’s outrageously expensive so I feel terrible for women who can’t afford it - it’s $40 a month copay for me and worth every last penny.

It is so nervewracking! I’m 22 weeks, and by enormous luck live in Southern New England, so not likely to be affected by Zika (or so it appears). Even though it sounds like it will be relatively safe this far north, I’m just not sure - and it only takes one bite. Making it worse are all the strangers (or not

Yes! Celery salt is also acceptable.

Been there. It’s so many different kinds of exhausting. Here’s hoping you can take care of yourself, too, and that everything goes as well as possible. Hugs to you.

Thank you for this! I’m an American, but did my junior year abroad in Scotland. Obviously this is just anecdotal, but when I had terrible bronchitis and a dangerously high fever, the doctor came to our dorm to examine me. He gave me a prescription and recommended paracetamol - which my flat mate got for me at Boots

Thank you so much for this! I’m a bit terrified - I’ll be a mom in six months, to a little girl I can only hope I don’t damage. I only really feel like I have a blue print of *what not* to do from my own mom. Posts like yours give me such hope!

Faux-concern masking judgemental disdain, in many cases. I’ll be a whopping 38 when I deliver my first in October, and while I’ve hardly told anyone about the pregnancy I‘ve already gotten crap from other people about being too old. I got major side eye from a woman at the OB office - another pregnant woman who

Exactly THIS. I’m a photographer, and have been teaching photography to adult students for 15 years. And my students work their ASSES off to learn the medium. They work hard, they show up to class after a full day’s work or caring for their children, they take time from their families and they scrimp and save to pay

Exactly, although $1500 is super cheap. My pictures wedding pictures cost that much, for four hours of photography (a 20-minute city hall ceremony and then two hours of portraiture, plus walking/cabbing it to locations around downtown Chicago) and including a professional discount (I’m a photographer too - commercial

I hate bananas with the white-hot passion of one thousand suns. I am with you! I also actually find mayo even more repugnant than this sandwich is obviously what they’ll make me eat for eternity in the bowels of hell.

I hear you! I’ll be 26 weeks or so in July and I’m just north of New York under a big, fat, red dot. I feel silly talking to my ob so soon, but I don’t want Zika and I also don’t want to cause damage with too much DEET or something. Nor do I want to sequester myself in the house all summer. I don’t want to be

I knew hot ham water would rise up again.

I had to withdraw from Paxil years ago, and then from Celexa more recently. I’d like to echo Mindymoo that a low-dose benzo is an amazing thing. Don’t stay on them for too long (took me FOREVER to get off of 1mg/day Klonopin, but I’d been on it for like 8 years) but in the short term they can be tremendously helpful.

Hey Fellow little Rhody-er! I came here for grad school in 2000 and have also never achieved escape velocity. Just like yourself, I avoid local media despite also have served some time at the Projo. Weird + gorgeous indeed.

I would bet they were RISD students (RISD = Rhode Island School of Design - local art school). They used to have these giant mall-wide pillow fights each year at the mall until too many people got injured WHY DO I LIVE HERE.

Can confirm: 100% typical Rhode Island. I am not even a little surprised.

This is the moment where, had I been in attendance, I would have attempted to see if clicking my heels together might deliver me somewhere less ridiculous and brain-numbing. Like maybe the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

As a fellow 37, I understood nothing of this article but I could not love your username more.

This warms my heart! Never wash your hand.