Eggs Woodhouse

Your comment alerted me to Broadchurch Season 2’s addition to Netflix. I shall thank you now, before my upcoming binge liquifies my brain entirely. No regrets!

I worked for the main newspaper in Rhode Island when we had a terrible nightclub fire that killed 100 people. It was absolutely horrifying and because RI is so small and close-knit, almost everyone knew someone. The guy who did the obits had to do the one for his best friend (of 30 years) and couldn’t work for six

Was the stethescope up there to avoid a tripto the doctor? To get all the shoes out? Like the old lady who swallowed a fly??

My mom, who is 6 inches shorter and 40 pounds lighter offered me hers. Also: she and my dad had a terrible marriage and awful divorce. Womp womp.

I went with the bezel set too and it’s awesome! I handle delicate papers and textiles a lot and couldn’t take the chance on a snag. Plus it makes the smaller diamond I wanted look a little less petite (I wanted a smaller one but Eggs WoodSpouse felt bad - which is a whole other heap of bs, that pressure to go all

The (federal) grand jury just does indictments, and while you may have cases that last several sessions, it’s not like a petit jury where you sit through a trial every day. The grand jury met one day every two weeks, so annoying but not totally disruptive. My boss was getting annoyed, especially when our six month

Yeah, definitely mandatory. If you didn’t show, or had a poor excuse, you got to explain it to the federal marshals. A few people were chronically late and had to explain themselves to the judge who had empaneled us.

So true. I was stuck on a grand jury for a full year. An 83 year old woman in our jury got pneumonia, was hosptalized for three months, AND STILL CAME BACK. For four more months.

Professional photographer here - been in the field since 1996, got my MFA in 2002. I avoid weddings and such but have done them, and a lot of my students go into that type of work.

One of my coworkers had cancer in his early 30s, and a neighbor of his insisted he gave himself cancer because of the negativity he put into the universe. The was more The Secret-based rather than prayer-based, but still. He is the type not to punch horrible people in their horrible faces, so he just brushed her off.

It’s no easy feat and you should be really proud of yourself. Comparing your life to your sister’s life sets up a bad dynamic that will never be comfortable...because you can’t really compare two people’s lives that way. Having a kid vs. getting a degree? Both take a lot of work and energy (and money) and both can be

Forever and ever.

I am so sorry that this is happening to you. My husband (long-term bf at the time) and I went through this with his mother, who died of breast cancer. We had nurses come in each day, but no hospice and it was mainly him and me for her 24/7 care - mostly him since I could not get the FMLA. It was definitely a traumatic

Getting an education is HUGE. Especially if you’re going back to school having been out of school for a while (I think I ready you were in your early thirties and I am extrapolating - please forgive me if I am making assumptions). I teach continuing education and my adult students are so tremendously engaged in what

Now playing

SO TRUE!!! I always have to order my dressing on the side because they just drown everything. I will often bust out with this bad boy when my husband fixes us some balsamic with a side of lettuce (like, so much balsamic that it makes us both cough):

When I was in grad school in 2000, one if my classmates was freaking out - like full-on panic attack - because our critical theory professor assigned a 10-15 page research paper (our final paper for the class, we would have weeks to work on it). She had never written a paper longer than 3-5 pages. Ever. Granted, it

What a fantastic idea, and a really smart choice! Honestly, you’ve picked an avenue to further your education and make yourself a more valuable employee with a stronger skill set. Plus it is something that you LIKE! I would say that even if it doesn’t result in a new job right away it’s worth it, even for your own

It would have been just as useful as my MFA and possibly less money. Plus I could finally get out of this invisible box.

Kind of like when the milk is bad, and you know it's bad, but you want someone else to sniff it?