Eggs Woodhouse

I have to share that Jewel performed at my high school’s Earth Day assembly just before she got big (it was a small school too maybe 60-65 kids per grade in the high school). The thing was no one had ever heard of her but there is (was?) a grocery store chain called Jewel and the sign for her was in almost the same

All I remember is that picture, the wolf, and the Cusack. It’s a little nuts how I instantly recognized this picture and I knew the movie, though. Especially since I made several attempts to enter my house using the remote ketless entry for my car just a few moments ago.

Shih tzus are genetically more similar to wolves than German Shepards are. I have been waiting so long to work that into any conversation even tangentially.

I go to Chicago a fair amount (it’s my hometown) and I haven’t flown into ohare since southwest started flying from Bradley (college airport) to midway in like 1999. Orange line baby I love you!

I went to Amherst where they had supposedly abolished frats. Sexual assault was commonplace and in my experience perpetrators of assault were made to go abroad for a year. The douche factor was incredibly high throughout campus, not just at the underground frats/sports teams.

I’m in the same boat. I may share an actually funny one of my mom, but most of my most embarrassing stories are of my alcoholic mom doing something terrible; the stories where people that hear them start out anticipating hilarity and it ends in awkward sadfaces. I am right there with you, my friend.

+1 for “they made me dance with the mouse.”

Bury me in my Keens. Plantar fasciitis is no match for my Siennas.

This would have made my 20s a much better experience. I shudder to think of all the times I had to drag my sorry ass to whatever doctor was available to get a script for the UTI I knew I had.

We are ALL fakey faking fakers that fake.

I do the same thing. A good friend of mine from college and I used to put on “American Music” and dance it out. I do it on my own now that we live far apart. Internet hugs to you, from another online stranger. You sound like a very brave person and I hope you can leave your situation behind soon. In the meantime -

I have a small circle too - so small, in fact, that most people never noticed I had an engagement ring on and since my wedding band is also quite thin it’s always a surprise when they find out I’m married. But it catches the light and is so super sparkly. I NEVER thought I would be into it but damn if I don’t like the

I am having this problem also. He gave me a hard pass on the mini donkey, and keeps telling me the pygmy goats will end up eating the vinyl siding off our house. I think the siding is ugly anyway and I have names picked out.

I have such jealousy about this it’s undignified. Your partner is AWESOME.

Happened to me too! Dude, if I wanted the orgasm to stop halfway through I’d go back on Celexa.

I lurk with you!

Exactly. I love getting the Christmas cards “love from the Smith family!” Which includes a picture of dad, stepmom, and the younger half siblings but no mention of my brother or me. I keep hoping that they’ll just buy me a separate, generic card so I don’t need the Yuletide reminder that while the real kids got brand

why the uneven number for eyes it's making me uncomfortable.

Aspartame is the fabric of my life.