Eggs Woodhouse

I will help too until only scorched earth remains.

I get sick to my stomach a lot, and I make my own ginger ale now: carbonated water + ginger extract. It is the bomb. But diet coke is my one true love.

Fellow Chicagoan - same mistake!

Same here! The husband paid off all his student loan debt in year two of our relationship (we’re into year 13 now), while I will be paying until 2032. We just recetly officially tied the knot, but he’d treated my debt as his from the get-go. I do feel better that it’s only student loan debt (and he buys more gadgets

Art school debt is a bitch. I was able to come out of undergrad (liberal arts college) with only $12k, but I spent another $60k (at the urging of my undergrad profs! ahhh!) on an MFA riiiight before the idea that one might find any teaching jobs with more financial security than a string of increasingly useless and

I’m sorry, was it unclear that it was 102 outside, and I was running a space heater indoors, in an air-conditioned office?

It was 95 this week. I wore jeans, leather knee-high boots, a tank top, light merino wool sweater, and a scarf to the office. Half an hour in, when it was 102 with the heat index outside, I had to turn my space heater on because I was so cold my nose was running. And I wasn’t the only one.

Thanks in advance for the nightmares and aggressive q-tipping of my ears (cause that’s how they get to your brain!)

The lighting and the depth of field don’t match up. It’s tough to say definitively (get it? fin? sorry...) but 20 years of photography and I have a lot of trouble buying that. I can’t look closely enough to find true giveaways/artifacts from Photoshop, and I fully admit to having a gap in my knowledge when it comes to

Just a bit farther South in New England, we pronounce it “hot attack.” As in, “he took a hot attack.”

I don’t understand the question and I refuse to answer it.

This was the first thing I thought of when I saw this. Also the person that made this needs to hydrate better.

I hope they eat blueberries and then get immediate food poisoning and the whole fucking group of them start barfing Stand By Me style purple spew all over her pretty petty dress. And that she’s emetophobic. I want an epic fountain of vomit for her, for the bile she has made rise in my throat with this unbelievably

I had to give hydrogen peroxide to my dog twice - each time because he’d eaten the eyes off a stuffed animal and the vet recommended it not go through his intestines (we still don’t know how he got them the animals were high up and he was a fat shih tzu). It was like puke magic - about a minute after he “drank” it (we

I don’t know if my non-cake desserts worked. They were assorted family-style for a party of 26…I was expecting assorted small desserts so everyone could have a couple of bite-sizes, but we had to hack into giant pieces, every-man-for-himself style. People were good sports, and in the end, everyone got as big a chunk

I couldn’t make it into a store, but I tried on four BHLDN dresses by ordering online. I found the quality overall to be decent - some better than others. I had my orders within 3-5 days and when I called with questions they were super nice. I ended up with a $160 bridesmaid dress from them that’s all kinds of pretty

He’d lay down his jacket so you could walk over a puddle!

Also: Booberry cereal. The more you eat the greener you shit. So I have been told.

I can’t even articulate how much I needed to hear this from someone. Seriously, thank you.

I’m going to use “we” here, and I hope that’s okay because although I won’t pretend to know your situation, I think you and I have both come from similar enough backgrounds and difficulties with our moms (my mom ran my foot over with her car when I was 15, because I forgot my lunch on the counter at home. News flash,