Eggs Woodhouse

I’ll never forget being 39 weeks pregnant and managing to *barely* hold it together throughout the school day (as a HS teacher) as the news of the Sandy Hook shootings broke...

So was this completely and utterly made up? Not that it would surprise me at all, just wondering if we know any more about this..

Psychopathic religious zealots

To be fair, he only knows, like, 4 adjectives.

My friend worked for Mike Pence in his congressional office. She dislikes Pence but really hates Mother. It is her story to tell (I’m trying to get her to tell it) but let’s just say that Mother likes to scold other women who do not meet her ideal of proper Mike Pence female underlings. The office environment was

“I’m not talking to the President now,” said Bro, explaining that now that she’s caught up on the news now and has seen his comments. “I’m sorry. After what he said about my child—and it’s not that I saw somebody else’s tweets about him. I saw an actual clip of him at a press conference equating the protesters like

Just came down here to say that.

“Big day in Alabama. Vote for Luther Strange, he will be great!”

Oh, definitely! And her new friendship with Sharon’s recently-widowed mother...if Fisher were still alive, I would be petitioning for a spin-off with those two.

Sorry but that part made me a bit sad for Billie. I don’t think the point was “geez, how great was that” but more of a reflection on how a child needs the stability of knowing a parent will come home at the same time every day and help with homework, not keep them up all night to shop at Sharper Image.

I watched Catastrophe this summer and was reminded of what a fucking treasure Carrie was.

If it wasn’t the fate of the country hanging in the balance, I might actually be amused by what is obviously a secret society of Republican WH staffers determined to bring Trump down from the inside.

Meanwhile, Scaramucci’s wife, Deidre Ball, has filed for divorce. According to a person, she is “fed up with his ruthless quest to get close to President Trump, whom she despises.” Okay.

You guys ever read an interview with someone and say to yourself at the end: “Holy shit that guy was on a lot of cocaine.”?

exclusive footage from inside the WH

“Anthony Scaramucci, a finance bro who is now, for no apparent reason, paid to represent the White House and president of the United States of America, used the word “cock” exactly three times—and “fuck” a total of six times—in a rather incredible rant to The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza on Wednesday night.”

“I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own cock.”

“My life is over.”

Literally a Margaret Atwood quote come to life.

Single payer, not-for-profit. NOW. That’s the only acceptable replacement.