Eggs Woodhouse

informed industry colleagues of the pending closure of the 18-year-old agency

I keep a bag of lollipops in the filing cabinet near where they have to be quiet. In the event that it wasn’t a drill or went on for a really long time, everyone is getting something stuck in their mouths. You have no idea how much I hate that I have a plan for that scenario.

If carrying out a murder-suicide of your partner isn’t enough to flag you as a miserable waste of humanity, try doing it in front of a classroom full of children aged 5 to 11.

Because as a country we looked at what happened at Sandy Hook and decided we were ok with it.

Context: I’d trust her to carry something like this out. I do not for a second trust Trump to effectively carry this out.

This is actually multifaceted. It diverts attention from Russian collusion, but also shows off military might to China. Hey, just hanging at mar-a-lago and, oh, by the way, just dropped a fuckton of cruise missiles on some asshole. How’s your steak? Mine’s charred, like that frickin’ airbase.

After the gas attack someone I know shared a video on Facebook with graphic footage of people dying and struggling to breathe. One of his Trump-loving friends wrote a comment along the lines of “why should we care, these people have always been killing each other and always will.” Fast forward 12 hours and Trump’s


And, he’s down at Mar-a-Lago because of course he is.

Donald Trump Orders Military Strike Against Syria in Response to 35% Approval Rating and Russia Investigations.

It shouldn’t have to be said, but I will say it anyway: If you voted for Trump because you “just didn’t like Hillary,” I will never fucking forgive you.

Because Ivanka has specifically positioned herself as a moderating influence to her father, as the “neutral” advocate for women whose goal is to bring her father around to a “better” position.

Coke is going to come out with a glorious ad come July 4th or something to counter this and make Pepsi look like even bigger amateurs.

“This is a global ad that reflects people from different walks of life coming together in a spirit of harmony, and we think that’s an important message to convey.”

I was going to say (as someone who has worked in advertising my whole career) that this seems exactly like an idea a client would come up with.

That said, I might now get a bunch of handjob gifs when I google puppies... so that’s great.

in an exploration of what that truly means to live life unbounded, unfiltered and uninhibited.”