Eggs Woodhouse

And as I have stated before, big fucking deal rich girl is attractive. Plastic surgery, never having to do any manual labor, and a glam squad will do wonders for practically every person.

This girl gets so many free passes and kudos simply because she is attractive. She’s an unethical businesswoman advising an unethical president. He’s using her as a shield while he pulls of his anti-woman antics.

Sometimes, the free market actually works the way it is supposed to. This is one of those times. I have chosen to enjoy this moment by throwing my head back and laughing loudly.

a) Donald Trump is STILL stuck on Hillary Clinton

Scandal: No one can ever top these ridiculous plot lines!

Her willful ignorance is deeply disturbing.

God, and the fact that he was able to put those benefits away for college just shows how privileged he is. A lot of people have to use those benefits just to survive.

This photograph heads his Twitter account. Truly, the cynicism knows no end.

This is the definition of evil - knowing better, knowing what you’re doing will harm people and not giving a single fuck anyway.

Like Susan G. Komen. They’re aware of breast cancer. They’re so aware that they make millions off breast cancer’s existence. They’re just not going to actually do anything about it.

He and his idol Ayn Rand have lots in common! Like that time they both utilized “government handouts” to prevent themselves and their families from going into poverty.

Doesn’t need the last four words lol

Can we just get rid of the whole lapel pin unwritten rule for politicians?

He supports free-market solutions for people with autism. Like...uhhhh...private companies taking the place of medicaid and disability assistance, I guess. Or churches doing it or whatever or...look, just shut up and read Atlas Shrugged, ok? It explains it all in there.

Forget hearing it from tabloids, it was my mother that bugged me the most. She’d been side-eyeing my weight gain all the second half. I had a summer baby and was hugely swollen. I gained 30 actual lbs which is a bit more than necessarily but peed away like 15 lbs in the first postpartum weeks. This was a problem for

 I thought an arket was a tiny boat that Noah might use to save tiny little animals like hamsters and gerbils.

Sooo, basically the superior quality of H&M 10+ years ago?

Didn’t you hear? We’re running government like a business now! Trump is the almighty CEO, congressmen are his workers, and we the voters are just the constantly shafted consumers.

Now playing

“You have to keep in mind who he [Congressman Devin Nunes] works for. He works for the President and answers to the President.”