Eggs Woodhouse

My bestie is adopted. There are blessings to it, but also really big challenges. It’s hard being an adopted kid, even when your home life is absolutely ideal (and where/when has that ever happened in the history of time?). Other close friends are trying to adopt right now, so I’m watching the whole thing play out from

I keep my Facebook politics posts a minimum but I was feeling salty this morning. I’ve restisted checking the comments all day but I’m going to donate a dollar to planned parenthood for every negative comment and every person that has unfriended me if any.

things they apparently don’t need: access to healthcare, treatment for std’s, reproductive education, cancer screening, contraceptives, advocates and allies.

I used to volunteer a lot for Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles, and much of that was “community outreach” — going to communities that had a clinic and passing out information about the services it offered. The very first time I did one of those, I had what remains the most rewarding and simultaneously most

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

This man is bound to crack soon, right? He can only focus on perceived slights. His all-consuming need for revenge is bound to backfire soon enough. (Or so I have to tell myself in order to keep calm and carry on.)

Please, you are talking about people who trashed Michelle Obama for wearing sleeveless dresses, but think Melania’s nude photos are just fine.

“Winter White House”?

The NPS is revolting. I am so down for this!

And while we wait, all Trump voters better be lining the fuck up to pay the portion of MY fucking taxes used to build it. #whereareallofyoufuckersnow #cuzimreallynotpayingforit #thisshitwasyourssoownitandpayforit #dontbeshy #stepoutnowandclaimthisshit

God, what an idiotic waste of money.

This motherfucker also said, regarding forcing EPA to take down its website about climate change and national parks to remove tweets critical of Trump’s anti-climate stance: “That wasn’t us. That came from inside those agencies because they violated their own anti-lobbying policies. That wasn’t us.”

I’m much more concerned about the sanctuary cities than the wall. Yes, the wall is a stupid waste of money and rude, but I don’t see it doing serious damage to the country (I might not know enough about the issue, though).

If every single Democrat doesn’t vote against DeVos, I will snap. She is a horrible monstrous person.

I can only assume (hope?) they are backing him because they have bigger fish to fry in terms of the cabinet nominees (like they’ve made a deal that they’ll back him if so-and-so doesn’t back someone else?). This still feels like a betrayal, but there are worse cabinet picks, imo.

Also, there are now media blackouts on the EPA, Commerce, USDA, HHS and other agencies. Every statement, every press release, every interview request needs to go through the Trump White House first.


‘He’s very comfortable with his win’