Eggs Woodhouse

DVRing it to watch on the weekend. Work starts too early tomorrow, don’t need to be all red faced. Watching Ferris Bueller for the gabillionth time, he’s my second favorite Chicagoan.

President Obama strikes me as a genuinely better person than I could possibly even hope to become.

Russia has been cultivating Trump for at least five years

fave joke thus far:

Yay! Maybe they’ll impeach him soon after inauguration! Wait, Pence would be President then? Maybe Pence was in on it, and they’ll both be impeached! Wait, Paul Ryan would be President then? Maybe Pence AND Ryan were in on it, and they’ll all be impeached! Wait, Orrin Hatch would be President then?

+1 ew

please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true

He’s a spiritual, moral and existent threat to the best founding ideas of this nation

I do want it said and again and again how this has nothing to do with conventional politics. Trump isn’t just wrong or bad (or even primarily wrong or bad) because he’s a Republican. He’s bad because he’s just a shitty human being who just so happens to have hijacked politics.

He literally said her father wasn’t a war hero because he was captured.

What a bimbo. She DOES know that the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, right? She remembers Saint Ronbo taking credit for it? Gurl, that wall don’t work. That is an ex-wall.

BIG fan of Soviet Russia too.

Woah she plagiarized Melania too? Ruthless.

Counterpoint: Monica Crowley is an inspirational figure who rose from the South Side of Chicago to become the model she is, today. Her parents urged her on to a better life, noting that, in this country, the only limitations are the scope of your dreams. And hard work. Further, she has lived her life by the motto:

My 16 year old daughter died on May 29th of this year.

I feel so bad for Todd first you break the news that your sister died then your mother.

I’m not the religious sort, but sending alllll the most loving, comforting, warm vibes in the direction of Todd and Billie right now.

Ahhhhhhh crying forever.

I started a Star Wars marathon before I heard the news about Carrie Fisher.