Eggs Woodhouse

Against their wills, apparently:

And you better bring your waxing A game or it will look like the “gift” is a nest of spiders

Oh, good, labial split pussy bows are back in fashion!

I wish I was as confident as Trump is, regarding things I know. He sees a tweet and is like “I KNOW THIS IS TRUE” I study something for years, dedicate thousands of hours to learn something, and some rando on the internet is like “mmm, are you SURE?” and I’m googling frantically to verify that 2+2=4.

“I’m still open-minded,” he told Chris Wallace. “Nobody really knows. Look, I’m somebody who gets it, and nobody really knows. It’s not something that’s so hard and fast.”

Pennywise would make a better president. “Yes, I may be an intergalactic spider from space that subsists on a diet of the souls of children, but even I understand the importance of maintaining a tentative diplomatic relationship with China to protect our economic interests on the world stage. This go it alone

of course, there’s no law saying the President-elect has to

*Would be a better President than Trump.

Hey President Dumbshit! Even smart people need to read to actually know things. Being smart doesn’t mean you just magically acquire knowledge. It just means that you’re capable of processing and understanding what you read!

We’re all going to die. After we’ve been handed over to Russia. Orange Hitler has no idea what he’s doing.

Shit, I’d welcome him in for dinner: I’ve broken bread with significantly worse people before. Bush 2 may have had some bad policies (even some that were reprehensible), but I would never argue that his intention was to harm the country. He did think what he was doing was good for the country. Everything I’ve seen

I mean I loathed Bush 2, but I would shake his hand and treat that dry drunk with a modicum of respect.

I recall when Obama was elected, some NASCAR drivers refused to meet him or accept his invitation to the White House. I can only hope that since only 19% of the country elected D. Trump, his first and only 4 years is marked by an unprecedented number of Americans refusing to meet or respect him.

“given the benefit of the doubt that his intentions in coming to Ohio were good, and if so, what would Clark hope to hear from him.”

3 am Saturday Morning.

What’s the Over/Under on how long it will take for Trump to attack Professor Clark on Twitter?