Eggs Woodhouse

So instead of ganging up on someone who is ignorant about sexual and physical abuse by calling them a dumbass, why not educate them.

My old physics prof, now finally fired from UC Berkeley 30 years later for his ongoing sexual harassment, will be happy to know that none of what he did was real.

For me the big problem with what he said was that it was essentially in response to an educated, successful woman openly stating that she’d been a victim of abuse. You can’t claim ignorance when you’re responding directly to the lived experience someone has just shared with you.

My girlfriend from grad school was in the top 5% of our class and was about to be promoted to a Fortune 100 vice-presidency when (we believe) she was killed by her husband.

So is he recommending free grad school for all women?

Does that mean in two years when I’m being handed my phd, my memories of being assaulted by men will be magically replaced with new memories in which I pet kittens with philosophers? Because that would sure make nighttime public transit less of an anxiety crap shoot.

So THAT’S why so many assaults happen in high school and college! Once you get your advanced degree though, you’re safe

Although that wasn’t a public restroom. But my mind immediately went to that story, which was years ago but made an IMPACT.

I don’t eat in the shower because a) my shower is not room-sized and b) i don’t like it when my food tastes like water and shampoo.

I summon the Jezzie who is the reason I will never eat pumpkin seeds again.

I went on a date once, and I was invited by the woman back to this incredible loft where she was dog-sitting for out-of-town friends.

He wants to distract from yesterday’s breaking news about his “foundation” operating illegally, and his illegal trading with Cuba.

Let’s get some things straight...

I teach sixth graders. They write circles around Trump.

It’s so luxurious, you wouldn’t believe what people are saying about this stocking cap, I sent the best people to find my cap, they tell me this is the longest one anywhere, anywhere in the world you can’t find a better one than this, I was in China and other Asia and I see the stocking caps they have there, everyone

Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?

the longest stocking cap

I love this because I imagine that he was just tossing and turning in bed seething about this and then finally leaped up, cast aside his absurdly long stocking cap, and tweeted this out before collapsing back into bed.

- Tim Burton, basically.