Eggs Woodhouse

No one’s as irrationally confident in their looks as fat white dudes. Like, they’re always the loudest critics of other people’s looks, particularly women’s.

When “not lynching” is the upside, I don’t even know what to say. I’d like to say that there’s nowhere left to go but up, but I’m not sure I believe it. This election season is making it hard to not give in to cynicism and just watch the world burn.

Nothing gives me as much pleasure as knowing how much President Barrack Hussein Obama chafes their asses. They can refuse to call him president and check his papers but he is still in charge!

So many Americans are proud of being absolute pieces of shit. I truly hope this incident follows the fuckhead around forever and for fuck’s sake get him out of Public Safety. He clearly doesn’t give a fuck.

He Who Shall Not Be Named has made them bold! There’s no shutting this down in our lifetime. Progress in this country is two steps forward, one step back and this right here, is a step back, the backlash to the incredible leap forward that was Obama.

So this asshole is studying for a career in Law Enforcement?

He only has to pretend to respect women for a few months, and he just. Can’t. Do it.

It’s really pathetic that this barely even budges the needle at this point. More tales of Trump’s sexism and views on women as objects for his pleasure? Must be Thursday.

Yeah, but the difference between a partial chub and a full on boner for Trump is, like, half an inch at best.

That’s what makes him smart.

Yes. This is a picture of two tyrannosaurs banging. Here’s another.

Well if you’re going to fuck a dinosaur, you might as well fuck a model dinosaur.

Down ticket politicians who are pro gun control. Every 2 years, not just every 4 and in every level of government.

I remember a day my school was on lockdown because of the rumor there might be a gun on its way to school. I remember the teachers bringing my seven or eight year old sister to me, because they could not get her to calm down. I remember sitting in the floor of the bathroom with her, and trying to convince her to slow

Yep. I love to throw these facts in those peoples’ faces and watch them squirm. The only things we lead in are negatives.

I think he did a huge disservice by latching on to the idea of “rigged elections” in the primaries. That idea really resonated with Sanders’ mostly young base and Trump has been singing that tune for a while too which is why he keeps bringing up Sanders. Ugh

22 countries currently have female presidents or prime ministers and 70 countries have had them. We aren’t leading shit. Add in maternity leave, education and healthcare and the world laughs at us and our “we’re number one” thinking.

It seems like a lot of his supporters don’t realize he’s still a sitting Senator and that he’ll have a fuckton more influence on policy with a Democrat in the White House than with any Republican .