Eggs Woodhouse

listen, i lived for the “bitten” line at.... jeez, i had to google - steve and barry’s???? i can’t even recall WTF that was, but there was one in virginia beach where i was living and really, the clothes in that were so great - i had the best corduroys and a couple tops and a dress. super awesome!

If Brad Pitt wants the public to ignore his divorce he should have Terrence Malick direct it.

Hey Rudy:

That’s pretty amazing coming from a guy who had a very public, very nasty divorce due to adultery while he was mayor of New York City. The gall of these men...

At least Hillary Clinton wasn’t stupid enough to put the New York City Office of Emergency Management into the World Trade Center against the recommendation of the FBI.

Why must everyone criticize Donald Trump?! It’s so unfair.

Just when your boss finished feeding you a load of tripe about getting time off, you go back out to the security line to find...a load of tripe.

Next time, have a drink for me. Being pregnant during this election is the worst.

EXACTLY. I hate that this comment was swept over. That and his defense for discriminating against blacks in the 70s. He basically said ‘other people were doing it, too’. That’s not an excuse, Donald.

The irony was that this was mere moments after calling for policies to end overseas tax havens and complaining about companies leaving the country for cost reasons.

Chris Christie didn’t deserve that.

I swear to god Hillary grew younger and stronger during that rant.

Finding ways to get out of paying your taxes is more unpatriotic than taking a knee during the national anthem. At least Colin Kaepernick pays his fair share of the taxes that go to actually paying the troops and supplying them with the supplies they need.

sorry everyone

It sure sounded like that to me as well!!!

And last I heard, there is no vaccine against rotavirus. Logic doesn’t seem to be a strength for this woman. I’m glad she made the right decision, but scratching my head at how she got there.

Likely it didn’t happen because her parents were smart enough to vaccinate her.

I’m amazed a teacher went all that time without catching and spreading something worse to her family. Schools are a Petri dish of disease. I guess that’s just proof that herd immunity does work.

And she is the teacher.....which makes it even more crazy