Eggs Woodhouse

this is timely:

If you think Brad and Angelina were fighting over Marion Cotillard, turn to page 32. If you think Brad and Angelina were fighting over moving to Syria, turn to page 45.

I dunno, the “maybe don’t take our children into a war zone where even UN convoys are bombed” is not that bad a tack . . .

I’d have a hard time taking my kids to an actively war ravaged place like Syria. I see his point. As an adult she can go where she wants - her person, her decision, but he does have equal say in where the kids go, no?

Obama is a known baby whisperer.

Wait till he finds out his mother is a peasant, too. It’ll be the tower for her, for sure.

I propose a trade! You guys can have the bigoted orangutan, we’ll take the handsome, progressive yoga enthusiast.

Kate is in heels and a dress, carting around a tiny human. How does she BEND that gracefully? Do your knees and core muscles become magic when you’re Royalty?

You know what else was on point? This:

Kate’s outfit is divine. She looks absolutely gorgeous.

Lots to love here, but my favorite thing about it is all of the right-wingers on my FB feed who did not get this at all and were all “HAHA ZACH GALIFIANAKIS DESTROYS HILLARY LOOK HOW MAD AND UNCOMFORTABLE SHE IS” about it.

That is 100% the look my mom gave me when I would try and get a rise out of her as a 12 year old. I hope Hillary keeps that expression handy during the debates and every time Donald tries to accuse her of something ludicrous, she hits him with the withering side-eye until he stops speaking. It’s an effective tactic.

My favorite was when he asked what would happen if she got pregnant and she’s like ‘yahhh... let me send you some brochures that might clear that up for you”

I watched this last week and haven’t stopped giggling since. You know, I was a Bernie gal at the beginning, but ever since Hillary became the nominee, I’ve been 100% for her. The more she does stuff like this, the more she endears herself to the public. She’s hilarious, she’s smart, and she’s playing the game very,

“What’s the best way to reach you? Email?”

“Does President Obama like his coffee like himself?”

I love funny Hillary. I want more funny Hillary.

I was there today! Very proud of the turnout, especially with bus strikes and rain. #repealthe8th

I can’t fathom how anyone can possibly be undecided in this election.