Eggs Woodhouse

No shit. I didn’t set foot outside my apartment from Monday until Friday last week, and I only went outside Friday because I knew I had some eyeshadow waiting for me in my mailbox downstairs. I regularly get home Friday evening and hole up until Monday morning when I have to go to work. It’s one of my favorite things

24 hours doesn’t seem like an alarmingly long time to stay inside. My neighbors would be calling the police on me during every Law & Order marathon

My guess is the truth is more like something in the middle of both stories. Carrey probably has issues with prescription drug abuse himself, and they probably had a history of taking them together while they were dating. However, I’m guessing he didn’t just give a large amount of heavy medication to a suicidal woman,

Security cameras? That’s an extra level of gross.

I love reading and contributing to Jezebel, but I’m not going to give Anna Merlan my entire life savings and cat.

Isn’t that carved in granite over the entry of most libraries?

I feel so sorry for Morin who probably thought that putting restrictions on all of his donation would be harmful to the school. I get the sense he really wanted to help higher education in a substantive way, and he assumed the school would want to help students in a time where higher education is bearing the brunt of

I have worked with the UNH library before, for my job. I can assure you that they are amazing and also desperately in need of funds, as are most university libraries. This is a horrible decision and UNH deserves all the public shame they are receiving over it.

This, maybe?

The Jewish equivalent of Feb 29 is Adar I. To keep the lunar calendar on track with the solar calendar, every couple-few years the Hebrew calendar adds a leap month by doubling up the month of Adar. That’s why a given holiday is always around the same time on the secular calendar, but the secular date the holiday

And because Trump has to ruin literally everything this year:

I think for some people, it’s a source of comfort. If he survived all of that horror and made it to 113 years with an attitude like that, I’m certainly not about to argue with him.

Mazel Tov!!! So many tears. My WWII Veteran, Holocaust Camp-Liberating Jewish Grandpa just died last week. He was the best, most wonderful mensch of a human I could ever be honored to know. He had his Bar Mitzvah as a 13-year-old, but was a lifelong learner and student of all things including Judaism so he had an

Mazel Tov Mr. Kristal.

made his fortune in brothels... made sure to secure whatever was necessary for that but didn’t pay any taxes

All I’m saying is LET IT GO, HE LOST.

Donald Trump is the last person who should be questioning where someone was born. His grandfather lied about being born in Sweden and claimed to be Swedish for decades, despite being born in Germany and raised there before he immigrated to the United States. His son, Fred Trump, continued that lie until the day he

I just

His PR team is desperately trying to shove him in a direction he clearly doesn’t want to go. He knows his base eats up that birther nonsense; if he publicly walks it back now, after these several years, I’ll be shocked.