Eggs Woodhouse

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Hey, friends! Join me in the Not Wrestling Over the Gendered Language section. Alexis was fantastic and great and was loved by many. Instead of being self-appointed pronoun monitors, let’s love on Alexis’ memory and realize some people will have it right and some people will have it wrong. AIDS sucks, brain tumors

You could have clicked the first link in your own quotation there, and found this:


Wait, does Mary think 2 Timothy 3 is helping her cause? She thinks that is describing Trump in a positive way?

I assume the full text of that pamphlet was, “two kids, a wife, a church group, and a Grindr account.”

The only reason i need. That when I attend a rally, I am not being called a nigger by 98% of the attendants. Reason enough for you, or do you need more examples?

Fun facts.....allergies that cause coughing can create a bacterial infection in the lungs. This is a thing called pneumonia. SO....allergies, coughing, pneumonia. Following? Being sick can do this thing where you’re dehydrated. So, combined with heat/layered clothing/body armor, a person would very likely feel weak

Get back in your basket!

But Dr. Oz peddles fake remedies (Congress yelled at him for this) to people on his show and people believe him because he has those credentials.

HRC is a compulsive liar.

It’s almost like 3-dimensional objects (such as noses) can look slightly different from different angles.

dude, i have been dealing with the exact same shit she has this year. allergies are no joke. ive had a post nasal drip that requires near constant hacking to keep my lungs clear...but heaven forbid the woman should cough.

Right... right... we shouldn’t elect anyone who has ever told a white lie for things that are personal. Never mind she continued to make public appearances while sick and not feeling well.

The problem with this, aside from the fact that it’s insane, is that almost anyone would be preferable to Trump? What’s that you say? Clinton is actually just a walking, talking tower of gerbils? Well, they’re less racist and less likely to start a nuclear war than the other guy, so whatever.

Men who look like they’re days away from a massive coronary should really shut the hell up.

What I don’t get is why this walking pneumonia diagnosis isn’t proving to everyone what a fucking badass Hillary is. She hasn’t slowed down and she’s been seriously sick. This is some serious dedication. My 22 year old brother got walking pneumonia and he missed finals because of it.

Why, it’s almost as if people look different when they’re feeling poorly!