Eggs Woodhouse

I feel like if they really want to use scare tactics they should just talk about hemorrhoids, pooping on the table, episiotomy’s, c sections, and anything else that can be gross that people don’t talk about. And then hand them a baby with a blown out diaper for the afternoon.

It seems like this might definitely minimize what it’s like to have a baby rather than be any kind of real indicator of what it’s like. It cries and you have to carry it around are kind of...not the bad parts, really?


I lol’d at hemorrhoids and then got sad. Too real. Too true. Too soon.

I just said, out loud, "Yeah, Newt Gingrich is right." So if you will excuse me I am going outside to see if the sun is ALREADY turning to blood or if that will be happening later.

True story: There is a Facebook page that posts the same pic of Jeff Goldblum every day. It's a delight.

Why are we still pretending to listen to this man? Isn’t he essentially what Dr. Phil is to psychology and Dr. Oz is to GP? Like, sure, at one point they were real people who did real things to help people, but now they’re just cheap hacks desperate to turn as many tricks as possible to make that sweet, sweet

listen, let’s not let the wacko conspiracy theories overshadow Hillary’s actual health problems. i have extensive experience in this area and there is literally no issue more debilitating than seasonal allergies. what if her hands are covered in mucus and she hits the “bomb the earth” button by accident? what if she’s

I guess the bigger question is why CNN thought that the guy who exploited addicts for ratings would be a good addition to their network? Of course he was going to say and suggest stupid things, while using his title to legitimize said stupid things.

So don’t call people on their bullshit and evil because if you do they’ll be bullshitty and evil?

Not so different from the power grabbing, mastermind Obama that is single-handedly dismantling the USA, while at the same time he’s goofing off playing golf and is so dumb that he can’t speak without a telepromter.

This is the thing that infuriates me about FOX is their insistence she is simultaneously a befuddled, incontinent geriatric and a criminal mastermind that has been breaking laws and fixing elections since her husband was in office.

Earlier on Fox’s The Five, Greg Gutfeld said “Hillary Clinton is so stupid she thinks Alt- Right are things on a computer keyboard”. Kimberly Guilfoyle and Eric Bolling laughed so hard I thought they would stop breathing.

Trump: “I’ve made a lot of bigoted remarks, got sued by the DoJ for housing discrimination, called on the first black president to release his college transcripts and birth certificate. Magic 8 ball, what should I do to protect myself from accusations of racism?”

The timing and tone of this are Samurai-level politics.

The best part is when she read Breitbart headlines.

Love it. She is brilliantly trolling him, he can let no slight go.

isn’t 14 mil for johnny depp like when i find $5 in some pants.

She looks like she’s wearing one of those clear plastic face masks. Or a tub of vaseline. Or just came from having a peel. So much shiny.