Eggs Woodhouse

Still, in the absence of war, natural disaster, or severe economic upheaval, the doubling of a mortality rate within a 2-year period in a state with almost 400,000 annual births seems unlikely.

welp time to shut down the local fetal remains wading pool I guess

I’m just thinking out loud here, but, wouldn’t the shut down of these clinics have some effect on the care these pregnant women get? Maybe pregnancy red flags were not detected because these women did not have access to these clinics? I don’t know..

I would like to print out multiple copies of this report, roll it into a tube, and smack it across Rick Perry’s face while shouting “BAD PERSON! BAD. PERSON!”

This made me so fucking happy last night. Biles was amazing, but the unexpectedness of it all and the joy from Manuel had me just utterly sobbing. I’m getting choked up now remembering her face as she suddenly realized she won. That was fucking fantastic!

I haven’t tried Tieks but have changed my thinking about shoes over the years. I don’t mess with the cheapie shoes bought twice a year or yearly now.

I caught an interview with that idiot earlier this evening. His rationale was that he’s not mad at people who thinks that confederate flag is racist because “They just don’t understand history, it’s not about black people. Black people fought on the Confederate side too”.

Saw this story yesterday and was thoroughly delighted.

This was my face the entire time. I must have looked like a golden retriever listening to a high pitched hum.

could be worse, Katy - he could treat you like family:

My (inner) response to when my dad says, “If we can get Trump in the whitehouse,”:

This is such bullshit. I pointed this out to someone who is a “supporter”. Their response would have been funny had it not been chilling. She said “Well, in my day a woman knew her place. You don’t speak out against those who are wealthier because they are more powerful. This little girl (ACK!!!!) should be covering

But he loves the women. He’s gonna do so much for the women.

This is crazy. How many more times can I read something that disgusts me more than the day before???

The Secret Service...had to protect a reporter...FROM A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND HIS CROWD. I just....

If Trump becomes president, do you think the Secret Service’s job will be to protect the rest of us from him?

To begin with, capital cases (those where the death penalty is a potential punishment) are more expensive and take much more time to resolve than non-capital cases. According to a study by the Kansas Judicial Council (downloads as a pdf), defending a death penalty case costs about four times as much as defending a

I hold LAPD responsible for the lives of every woman who died after they decided to ignore the first death.

You know keeping a prisoner on death row costs more than keeping someone in prison for life, right?

The saddest thing about this whole tragedy is that the LADP didn't bother investigating and the LA Times couldn't be bothered to report on a single case until recently. This case has shown me that America is more than willing to consume black women in media but their lives, be they taken by the state or private