Eggs Woodhouse

I’m not dignifying this shit anymore, what is there left to do? It is clear we are divided and that the other side has no interest in disavowing their nominee. Therefore, I am hijacking this post. I ate a footlong and bag of chips two hours ago and I’m still hungry. I want nachos and hot dogs. Also, I’m not motivated

Nope. Sorry you absolute piece of shit, but there is absolutely no way, not one bit, to interpret what he said as anything else other than threatening potential violence against either Hillary or her SCOTUS picks.

Isn’t she from Iowa (or moved there at a young age to train)? Because I grew up in Iowa and was taught hand on heart for the Pledge of Allegiance but not for the National Anthem.

A white man be held to same strict standards as a black woman? Surely you jest!

As is he. And I bet those bitching now had nothing to say about this:

When a Black female athlete who’s spent her entire career being picked apart didn’t do it. That’s when.

In the first few years after 9/11, more than one person was kicked out of a sporting event for not standing and holding their hand over their heart for “God Bless America.”


It really is “no reason” because like Aimée said, people are confusing the national anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance. She’s the one who did what you’re supposed to do!

These nationalistic fuckwits, my god.

An orange Hitler is egging his supporters to assassinate the first female presidential candidate of a major party but yes, your energy is much better spent being outraged by Gabby Douglas’ lack of arm movement.

Look at these Commies

Maybe her husband/coach or the Chicago Bears defensive line should have taught her how to be a patriot.

From what I read, courtesy of a military lady I follow on twitter, the hand on the heart is just a thing schools teach kids, it’s not a requirement. As long as you stand during the anthem, that’s all that’s necessary.

You don’t have to, you can also stand there with your hands held in front or behind you. Gabby just can’t ever do right my Twitter, her hair isn’t right, her hands aren’t right, her skin isn’t right. She just keeps on doing her thing, winning gold.

I’m continually baffled about the full-throated demand for visible patriotism. It’s possible to be very patriotic without plastering the flag over every part of your body, wearing flag pins, or arranging one’s limbs in required formation during moments of high emotion. There’s no requirement to put one’s hand over

meanwhile its totes cool if Phelps laughs his ass off during the national anthem. Get real internet pearl-clutchers.

I, for one, am glad to see us Americans continuing our long tradition of complaining about bullshit, even in the face of victory.

As a Canadian I have to say, yet again, that Americans get angry over the stupidest shit.

Stop stressing Gabby out for no reason.