Eggs Woodhouse

I’m biased, being a Gen-Xer, but I’m really happy she’s having this career resurgence. She brings something unique to the table.

Bears fan here! Just want to say this is some bullshit and not at all surprising coming from the Trib, a paper that still gives John Kass an outlet to voice his almost always terrible opinions.

If anything Mitch should be described as Corey’s husband, since the Bears don’t do anything worthwhile these days.

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Again, go watch the race and aftermath- a good chunk of the race itself was dedicated to his glory and then the entire aftermath of her WR destroying performance- that NEVER, EVER EVER happens to a man to this degree. NEVER, and I’ve been watching swimming for over 40 years.

Yeah, I don’t even know his coach’s name. Does he even have a coach? I’m not sure.

Maybe I just wasn’t paying as much attention in previous years, but I feel the commentary has been particularly bad this go around.

Yeah, I remember Michael Phelps’ coach getting all the credit for his medals. Oh, wait...

It might be equally unlikely that he would have been president without her. They support each other’s ambitions and like most couples, drive each other’s destinies.

The incident described: him berating her viciously then turning tender to bring her back, is the exact dynamic that makes abuse so dangerous and SO hard to leave. They go hand in hand.

Nope, we can not all agree on that.

I overheard a male commentator during the men’s gymnastics podium training ask a female commentator if she “liked what she saw” in the most obvious, creepy way possible. She did a good job of pivoting it to a critique of his performance after a startled pause, but damn. Get it together Olympics commentators.

Everything else aside, doesn’t it seem like a terrible idea to be married to your coach at an Olympic level? How can a relationship handle that kind of external strain?

Does this remind anyone else of the pictures of Bill Clinton that graced newspaper front pages under the headlines announcing the country’s first woman presidential nominee by a major party?

It does kill your back quite honestly, but if you’re not playing a forward position you’re standing straight more often. They wet the pitch to keep the ball moving—we never did this on my high school team and therefore there were divots all over the field from the ball getting caught in the grass.

Who said you were? #readingcomprehension

Using Trump tweets as a style guide- sad!

It’s kind of how (nearly all) doctors are supportive of vaccines, even though they’d make bank if everyone was sick all the time. Professional integrity and evidence-based decision making.

This (not really but sorta) happened when Indiana’s legislature passed their own fetal remains law. The people participating in the Periods for Pence campaign flooded the governor’s and bill sponsor’s offices with phone calls describing their monthly flows, symptoms, etc. and asked what to do with any, um, chunks

These fetal burial laws are a one-two punch against progress. Not only does it punish women who receive abortions (or miscarry) in a heartless, state-sanctioned, forced-religion kind of way, but it denies anyone from donating fetal tissue for scientific research. Because you know, people with neurological disorders