Eggs Woodhouse

Yea, I can't really fault someone who has fought for equal pay and reproductive rights for talking about how misogyny affects the women nearest him.

Do you think he made them himself? I like to think he did.

Also, Joe Biden! Today! Tweeted this picture! For Obama’s 55th Birthday!

dude is a violent alcoholic who posted to facebook about how shitfaced he was going to get with his kids at a Rays game on Monday. he was clearly having a week.

He has priors which include assaulting a person 65 and older? Now this? Someone needs to keep him the fuck away from those kids!

her foot was almost severed!? what the fuck did this monster do to her...poor beautiful bird.

jesus christ. this just made me really, really gloomy.

I will never understand people that abuse animals. I just don’t get it.

Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(

Legal precedent says that it’s not up to the state to determine whether the belief is sincerely held.

What you or anyone “thinks” they are trying to do is irrelevant. Freedom of and from religion—no matter if you find the religion annoying or not. I don’t get to decide that no one could actually believe that “rise from the dead” mumbo jumbo and you don’t get to decide how serious others are.

I really hope the ASSC comes up with a program of real community philanthropy: helping the homeless, tutoring kids who need it, gathering school supplies for low-income schools and students—stuff like that.

Whenever they scream about how one day Muslims could introduce Sharia Law, I want to ask:

“The so-called Satanic Temple group is a handful of atheists masquerading as so-called Satanists. This group is not legitimate. Its only reason to exist is to oppose the Good News Clubs. The Good News Clubs teach morals, character development, patriotism and respect from a Christian viewpoint. Public schools welcome

I wish these morons would just be honest and say that “religious freedom” to them means free reign for Christainity and restriction/suppression for any other religion or belief system. I'd have more respect for them if they were at least up front about their fuckery rather than trying to mask their hypocrisy with a


As John Oliver said, “The RNC featured all of Donald Trump’s favorite family members...and Tiffany.”

If that were true, she’d have quit working for daddy. After him groping her at his convention coronation, him saying he’d like to date her if she weren’t his daughter, and speaking lustily about her figure and face.

“Reduce your income to zero, and everything will be fine,” claims delusional millionaire. He’s not even internally consistent.

I’ve got to say it’s interesting because if you removed the fact that Donald Trump is her father (which amplifies this to wtf territories my mind is too exhausted to bleach out) the things Trump has said about Ivanka would probably fall into a category of sexual harassment in most companies. Ranking her hotness.

“After bringing up the Roger Ailes controversy, the third-oldest Trump spawn proceeded to insinuate that “strong” women do not let themselves be placed in situations where they can feasibly be harassed—and that his sister “wouldn’t allow herself to be objected [sic] to it.”