Eggs Woodhouse

With you 100%. My son is ASD and there’s no chance I would change a thing about him. He’s hilarious and obsessed with Freddie Mercury and Scissor Sisters. I mean COME ON!

I’ve commented many times on Jez about how the anti-vaxx movement deeply offends me as the mom of an autistic child. The last time I commented I got a response basically saying: “if you got to choose, you wouldn’t choose for your kid to have autism”. I thought about it a lot and I really think I would. My son has an

it’s also saying that you don’t mind killing other people’s children with your preference for a non-autistic child through the diminishment of herd immunity and spreading disease to immune-compromised individuals.

She should just have her cow kick over a lantern and burn the whole studio down.

Yeah, being anti-vaxx is being anti-autistic people, PERIOD. I and people like me have the right to exist. I am not scarier than vaccine preventable diseases that CAN KILL. If you are anti-vaxx what you are saying is that you’d prefer a dead child to an autistic one. Ableist attitudes like that is what led that guy in

Weren’t they the ones complaining about censorship?

I have always liked her but she is so infuriating right now. When she actually said that maybe four years of Trump would wake America up I wanted to drive her off a cliff myself. Yes, rich white lady who will be unaffected, please tell me how great a Trump presidency will be.

Right? I am so tired but ready for night 3 with Biden and Obama!!

Your dad is a CLASS ACT.

Earlier, a troop of bitterly disappointed and occasionally crying Bernie supporters marched out of the arena, many of whom had put little pieces of tape on their mouths with the word “silenced” written on it. They brought their silent protest directly inside the media pavilion where I was working, where they proceeded

I know they look so pissed. It’s awesome!

He is voting for Gary Johnson “because I don’t know much about him!”

typical ambush journalism by the vile lib media smdh

The problem is that I’ve seen more than one of them now say that they want Trump to win because things will get so horrible that the revolution will definitely come. Magical thinking.

If you think Trump as president, a Republican House and Senate will be best for you and the people you care about, then I respect your decision not to vote or to vote for Trump. But don’t argue the reality that not voting at all is not so very helpful to Trump because the math won’t back you up. When the Democrats

Grace and courage beyond belief. And also, notably, their message was one of hope and progress and not giving in to fear. Which was such a stark contrast to how the RNC used (and I do mean used— they were treated like props) the mothers of a couple of the people killed in Benghazi. It was like the Republicans just

My grandmother was a big part of the reason I’m a liberal Democrat. A civil rights supporter and feminist, she lived to see our first black president, dying at 89 just a few months after he was inaugurated. The 19th amendment was ratified the year she was born. I wish she had lived to see a woman elected to the


I’ve seen multiple people on twitter say their young children asked “Who’s Bill Clinton? Is he related to Hillary?”