Eggs Woodhouse

My heart is broken for every woman up there...

Wanting to share that I have been a Bernie supporter, but I am so very proud to be voting for, and supporting Hillary Clinton. I did tear up at the end of the roll call, because I was proud that Sanders did the right thing and pledged his support to Clinton.

I wanted to see Bernie win; I did not want to see his supporters boo and hiss their way through the convention and take away from what is without a doubt a historic moment. You guys, your issues are my issues - or are they? Because from where I’m standing Bernie’s done a great job of pushing those issues and now

Women and minorities have been dutifully pulling the lever for white men for decades (when they were allowed to at all) and you never heard from them even a fraction of the hysterics that Sanders supporters have been displaying during the DNC because they didn’t get their #1 choice.

To the diehard Bernie people crying in these comments and, according to my TV screen, literally crying at the convention:

My mom said she saw what she thought she would never see in her lifetime. A black POTUS and now the 1st woman presidential nominee for the democratic party.

The Elitists are obviously not the ones who include among their ranks someone whom can get a multimillion dollar fashion design deal on name recognition alone and then have quasi-slave labor manufacture one’s wares to bring in at such a price.

Now she just has to defeat the worst misogynist I’ve seen in my lifetime. No pressure. And somehow do it without playing “the woman card,” whatever that is.

Um, they get that they’re supporting a “multi billionaire”, right?

Omg guys, this roll call! So much love! As a resident of ohio, i teared up when Obergefell spoke on behalf of the OH delegation.

I’m 66 years old. I became a feminist when I was 5, and my older sister was told she could “join” a model airplane club my father belonged to. She could pay dues, but not attend meetings or meet because she was a girl.(My father promptly “unjoined” that club!) I’ve been waiting 61 years for today.

All right, so who do you recommend then?

I am too left leaning to call myself a Democrat, and I have never liked Clinton (too far right, and never seemed trustworthy). However, I will absolutely vote for her in this election. This isn’t about getting her into office. This election, fucked up as it is, has come down to one issue—keeping Trump out. The man is

That is because they approve.

I’m reminded of footage from Samantha Bee’s show when they went to a fair in Pennsylvania and a guy was saying that a woman shouldn’t be president. When the anchor called them out for how sexist that is he replied that “it’s not sexist, it’s just my opinion.” THOSE AREN’T MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, BRUH.

it’s much more acceptable, when you’re running for office, to claim fear than to express hate.”

All I have to contribute is I love Katee Sackhoff.

I went to HR exactly once in my 40 year career about harassment and was fired the next fucking DAY.

And yet Ted Cruz, the Zodiac Killer, is allowed to walk freely and serve in the US senate.

I mean, most people know by the age of 19 that brutally murdering people is wrong. She has complete culpability for her own actions here. I could understand granting parole if she had just guarded the door while someone else did the actual killing, but she participated actively and willingly.