Eggs Woodhouse

Every liberal I personally know voted for Bernie and now every single one of them, myself included, is getting behind Hillary. We’re giving too much of a voice to the Bernie or Bust contingent who are a teeny tiny minority of his supporters and are people who probably do not generally vote and if they do, they don’t

“Taylor loves that Tom is really into fashion and that they can coordinate their outfits together.”

Don’t go to the wedding. Seriously.

I was the DJ at the wedding reception of two close friends. I played “I Touch Myself” for their first dance. They loved it.

We had a jazz quartet play an instrumental version of “La Vie En Rose.”

I regret nothing.


zero days since our last nonsense. SIGH.

Yeah, I had a troll on another article saying more whites were shot, etc etc.. Bro, do you even math?

I expected a lot more eyeroll gifs from these comments than I am seeing and I am HERE TO FIX THAT DEFICIENCY WITH A VERY SPECIAL ALL-MALE EDITION

He wasn’t the passenger. The original video was reversed because it was filmed using the front camera (which flips the image), so it appeared that he was on the passenger side of the car. But if you look at the video he’s clearly at the steering wheel.

Actually, he wasn’t. He wasn’t driving at all.


Mike Huckabee is the pits. If you find yourself in an argument with someone like him who is the worst, I recommend this study. Bayesian analyses are not exactly simple to understand, but the abstract makes it really clear: “we did the math, and it turns out black men are seriously way more in danger of being killed by

I was told there’d be no math...?

Yeah, I got into it on fb with someone from hs about just this (yes, I should’ve known better). She kept saying it happens both ways so it’s not a race thing. I said it happens disproportionately to people of color and she kept making excuses. Yeah... Ugh

“ yells and yells until it somehow manages to manifests itself in the most utterly ridiculous jumble of words.” AKA - the entire GOP.

I hope these women are able to stay safe and healthy in Rio. I’m so nervous for all the athletes headed to that boiling cesspool.

25k a month.

1) they all look amazing

Oh God the cuteness will kill me. And childish trolls can fucking suck it - I went to the movies to see The Secret Life of Pets and after the Ghostbusters trailer two dudebros sitting behind me had the following dialogue: