Eggs Woodhouse

Schrödinger’s Poor: simultaneously working too many menial jobs to properly raise their terrible children while also lazily living off of welfare.

The thing that scares me the most is the part where she thinks she’s being positive.

As a Pittsburgher, this woman is completely infuriating. She had been posting holier-than-thou Facebook posts for a very long time prior to this incident, and I was happy that the station finally took action after this horribly racist and excruciating post.

their mothers work multiple jobs

Side note: I teach college, and a group of my students were talking this past April about taxes. “Oh, I don’t even file anything,” one said. “If you don’t file by a certain time, they just do it for you anyway and take it out.” A few others agreed that this was a smart plan. “You guys, that’s not them doing it for

Her last line sounds like bullshit -

WTF? There are so many exits along the relationship highway between “No, I will not have a threesome with your coworker” and “Murder”. Most of them lead to DTMFA, but a few lead to relationship counseling. She had options.

Agreed. Protests at gun shops and shows. Bloody pictures of bullet ridden bodies. Sidewalk counsellors. The whole shebang. And new language - co-opt “prolife”.

I haven’t laughed that hard in a really, REALLY long time.

Thank you.

It’s really quite simple!

Honestly, liberals need to start treating gun control like the right treats abortion, and chip away at the stranglehold chip by chip by chip relentlessly until we make headway. Perhaps we can have some sort of TRAP laws that make it impossible for gun sellers to stay open in some states and make it really hard to

I can understand having hunting rifles, but what is with the handguns and assault weapons? Honestly why would ANYONE think they need weapons like this?

Rifles for hunting could be checked out and checked back in with a hefty deposit. But no automatic or semi automatic allowed. Frankly, real hunters should use muskets or bows.

Sadly, many of them are dead because just anybody can get a gun in America.

Let’s just abandon gun control and focus on gun owner control. It’s time we embraced the Second Amendment fully:

I am so FUCKING over this. Fucking take all the fucking guns and fucking burn them. My husband has hunting rifles. He doesn’t need them that bad. Fuck all this motherfucking bullshit. I have to take my damn Birkenstocks off at airport security, but fucking suspected terrorists can buy guns legally.

All for the almighty dollar.

This, absolutely this! And extend that to everyone, not just friends or family. Arthritis in my back, hips, and knees means that I’m generally on a walker and sometimes in a chair, but I can walk short distances, such as from the car to the store to get on the ridey-cart to do the shopping. Unfortunately, this has

To tell you the truth I always thought of RA drugs as being the same or similar to cancer drugs in that they destroy or attack to treat the condition.

Um yes, many RA or other arthritis patients can and do rightfully say we’re receiving chemo. Methotrexate is a chemotherapy agent. Here’s the problem: when people hear arthritis, they think of grandma with a sore thumb. The reality is people with autoimmune arthritis are sick every damn day, with joint pain and