Eggs Woodhouse

He’s probably the guy who is shooting up the place, to be honest.

Sandy Hook really was a tipping point. At the time, my position was that we need to decide, as a nation, whether were going to do something about guns and gun violence in this country, or whether we were going to accept this reality as the cost of our “freedoms.”

It’s OK, guys, this is Texas, not one of those fruity “no gun zones.” As the NRA tells us again and again (and again and again and again), the myriad good guys with guns will dispatch the bad guy neatly and instantaneously, without harming a hair on a single bystander’s head. That’s just the way it works!

Ok guns are a sensitive issue but America, you have to make it harder to get guns. There’s also no valid reason why a civilian needs a semi-automatic.


Especially in a Walmart.

I fucking dare the NRA assholes to say the problem is people in Texas don’t have free enough access to guns. I FUCKING DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU.’s Walmart. A Texas Walmart. Where is the good guy with the gun? Because isn’t that why we have a second amendment?

because we refuse to make any changes.

holy fuck...

Oh good, I was just getting bored with the reporting of the last one.

John Oliver was the same way in his intro from Sunday night’s episode. He sounded like he was on the verge of rage tears for the whole thing.

I am so tired of this bullshit on my facebook feed:

“I stand behind you in line at the store with a smile on my face...and a gun under my shirt and you are none the wiser, yet you are safer for having me next to you. I won’t shoot you. My gun won’t pull it’s own trigger. It is securely holstered with the trigger

She’s not mocking prayers, she’s deriding people who offer up prayers and do nothing else. Or, to quote the scripture passage that she referenced: “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” (James 2:17)

This isn’t about people like you (who sounds AWESOME btw) it’s about the lawmakers who say that specifically to deflect any sort of accountability or do anything in the wake of these tragedies. I hate that the shorthand is “thoughts and prayers” because we all do this in the wake of tragedy, but this isn’t about your

Her audacity to be an angry woman on TV routinely floors me. She is very important.

I love Sam Bee. I loved this clip as well, I can hear her voice shaking a little bit because of her barely suppressed rage/sadness, just like mine does whenever I talk about it. I’m so, so, so glad she has this show.

God bless Sam Bee. She really is the rightful heir to the Daily Show—even if she’s doing her own show now. She’s the person who I look to now for her take on news events, who I can count on for catharsis.

Of all the things to be gleeful about, assaulting a minimum wage worker (I presume) has got to be the dumbest shit I’ve seen all week.

Can we take a moment to discuss all of the no fucks the Queen has over wearing a bright green suit? She is my fashion idol.